Monday, December 25, 2017

Kentucky: Scorned By The Nation

White Trash Kentucky White Trash Kentucky It's well known to those who have actually lived outside of the Bluegrass State that many people have derision towards Kentuckians. This is probably due more to the way that Kentuckians as a large part act when they visit other states or act in a stupid and foolish manner.

Seems to be problem that a lot of people from other states think lowly of Kentuckians. Maybe its because as a whole Kentuckians are uneducated or have been miseducated for decades and act in a juvenile and stupid manner. Kentuckians could probably change that perception of being a bunch of dolts but it seems that instead being of the lowest common denominator they choose to be backwoods yokels and inbred acting fools.

Too bad they are too stupid to see anything past the border of their wretched state and in many cases most of them haven't been outside of their own pig sty of a state. Its always humorous to me that Kentuckians are good about popping off at the mouth about other states when most of them haven't ever spent any time outside of KENTUCKY. Why is that? Are they too stupid to put some gas in their clunker and actually visit other states. Or are they too stupid to actually expand their horizons outside of their little provincial towns and communities where misogyny, family inbreeding, and cultural stupidity has been the norm for generations.

This is going to piss off a lot of idiots but seriously why are Kentuckians as a whole so mind blowing stupid? So stupid that they've ranked in the bottom 5 states in nearly every major socioeconomic category not just for a few years but decades.

Currently Kentucky is 47th in state median income, 46th in per capita income, 47th in percentage of college degrees awarded, near the bottom in quality of education, number one in child abuse deaths per 100,000, etc.

If you want your state not to be considered the outhouse of the United States, you might want to improve your education system beyond the third world system that it currently exhibits. Also get half your population off government welfare and back in the workforce.

Kentucky currently gets $1.51 for every dollar that it pays in taxes to the federal government. On top of state income rates of 5.8 and 6.0 percent on most taxpayers. Add in the extra 1 to 2 percent in taxes and you've still got a financially mismanaged state. Not to mention the Kentucky Retirement System is fundamentally bankrupt and broken after years of mismanagement. In that sense Kentucky ranks right along with Illinois and California for having pension problems.

One would think that since Kentucky borders the Midwest at the upper reaches of the American South, it would start to look upward to states that do things a lot better than it does and emulate those states in job creation, education, incomes, etc. Instead Kentucky is still fighting the Civil War 150 years after it ended. Kentucky follows the rancid traditions of the American South and its generations of racist behavior, hypocrisy, lack of education, and Third World conditions.

Want to get rid of the stereotypes of Kentucky being a bunch of toothless, backwards, stupid yokels. Then start acting like you've got some sense. But to read these posts is laughable because the responses obviously come from people who didn't do well in school and not in one instance have I seen anyone that actually stated facts and figures to make their point in rebuttal.

Are Kentuckians too stupid and lazy to actually defend their state with facts and figures that actually make sense in a non convoluted manner? Or are they content with their own stupidity, poverty, cultural ignorance. Its too bad because Kentucky is a beautiful state once you remove the trash and morons from that state. Probably one of the top five states when it comes to natural beauty but one of the bottom five in things that really matter like quality jobs, income, education, quality of life, etc.

If you want to be thought of a bit better, buy some books and educate yourselves so you don't have generations of Americans outside of your state think that you're a bunch of backwoods yokels. Plus teach your kids right from wrong instead of spending so much time following your hallowed basketball programs which are your only claims to fame. Those are the only things that actually make your state look good and its quite laughable your claim to fame is basketball, bourbon, and horses after 225 years of being a state. White Trash Kentucky

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