Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Purpose of This Blog

White Trash Kentucky White Trash Kentucky The purpose of this blog is to expose what a rancid, Third World state that Kentucky truly is and to talk about the issues that Kentucky has from a controversial perspective. If you are a snowflake, easily offended, don't like a bit of rough language or upset because facts, figures, and ranting is used to get the point across, then this very well isn't the page for you and you should find somewhere else to read and hang your hat. Perhaps going to this site http://www.disney.com would be to your liking.

Now if you are here, you probably have picked up one of my rants and raves through varied Craigslist Posting that I have endeavored to use occasionally as well as other material that I post that probably pisses of Kentuckians. Yet consists of more truth that they get from their pro Kentucky news media and state government that keeps them in the dark and fed more shit than the average farm field gets in a year. Somehow they like to wallow in such shit and stupidity and I would venture to guess that via my postings on various mediums usually get some sort of inane commentary by someone conditioned to make eeks and ooks rather than intelligent well thought out commentary.

Which is why in my pages and on this blog and other sites you will find that I pretty much am not afraid to call out the dumbasses that exist in Kentucky in massive proportions of their state population. Why is that? Because if you find my first post I explain that I didn't move to Kentucky with aims to piss off anyone nor did I move there with any preconceived notions about the intelligence and capabilities of many Kentuckians.

Of which there are many people who are intelligent and quite capable in their chosen fields and personal endeavors. Its just that in my experience that Kentucky largely has fewer and fewer of said people and instead happily supports having a ignorant and unintelligent population and quite proud of that sort of moronic behavior.

To the point that in many cases rather than argue using facts, figures, and logic, the average Kentucky response is usually involving some sort of slang language about going to F myself or some other inane commentary that makes absolutely no sense at all to the average reasonably intelligent person. Kentucky also regularly ranks near the bottom in educational achievement and attainment despite the outliers of having a certain professional class of doctors, lawyers, judges, business professionals, salesmen, teachers, and much more career endeavors.

However, in a state with so much to offer in natural beauty and it is a beautiful state, I have to say after visiting 110 out of 120 counties of Kentucky during my five year stay there I couldn't recommend the place to most people and outside of the Louisvlle region, Lexington, and Cincinnati Metro areas I would have to say that its probably the worst state this side of Mississippi and West Virginia as well. Kentucky likes to pride itself on bourbon, basketball, Corvettes, and fast horses. It should also look into the massive amount of educational and cultural incompetence that has been evident in its educational system for decades. To the point that almost half a million Kentuckians were recently discovered by state government and surveys to be functional illiterates who are incapable to fill out job applications much less any higher level skills or transferrable skills.

This paucity of intelligence leads the US taxpayer and those in Kentucky who pay taxes to having to subsidize Kentucky with increased federal outlays for social spending programs such as state based welfare services such as KTAP, SNAP, Medicaid, Crime Control issues, and other programs that end up being paid by federal outlays as well as those state programs which do very little to improve the lot of huge swaths of Kentucky residents. Much less lift the state out of poverty levels that are amongst the highest in the United States of America.

Instead of working to improve these statistics to give people a chance at a decent and productive life, the residents of Kentucky end up spending millions to subsidize monstrosities created by private enterprises such as the Ark Park, Kentucky Kingdom, and other state welfare handout schemes. Not to mention huge outlays that are spent not on infrastructure and education nor economic progress yet for piddly things such as basketball arenas for the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky.

All the while important and life essential programs are cut from the budgets of cities, counties and the state of Kentucky known as the Commonwealth. While these programs are cut and infrastructure such as bridges, roadways, ports, and electricity/internet/water are neglected keeping the state economically from progressing much less educating itself to attain a higher level of development.

Instead of constructive and intelligent comments from the majority of respondents these same individuals instead would rather bring about inane commentaries about their state and how people are picking on them and stereotyping their state. Meanwhile their state fits those very stereotypes that they are receiving all the while being self fulfilling prophecy of lack of education, poor medical care, poverty, social injustice, and so much more that I would like to mention in future blogs.

Kentucky at large could be a self sustaining and productive state but the powers that be along with ignorant citizens have kept it from realizing its greater good and potential. The same goes for generations of politicians from both major parties that have only graft, grift, and greed on their minds while their Commonwealth is economically and socially one of the most backwards states in the entire Union. All the while Kentucky continues to be one of the worst states year over year and even decade to decade.

Instead of evidence that is presented which shows as such, Kentuckians would rather turn and tuck tail and refuse to see the light all the while complaining to the point their state is inappropriately stereotyped and saw as a lesser state by a sizable percentage of those outside Kentucky. Instead of attempting to come with solid ideas and working towards such ideas, Kentucky residents choose to remain wallowing in ignorance and stupidities.

The almost laughable thing is that instead of showing said progress or new improvements, their state regularly remains at the bottom of the totem pole that is the US social strata and economy and has for decades. All the while they blame someone else for their problems whether it was the previous president all the while having their hands out for some idea of government largesse with government aid in tow. Rather than pulling their state up by the bootstraps and attempting to better the culture and state government they have refused to partake of their civic duty to really improve their state and those citizens around them.

That's part of the point of this blog but also to expose Kentucky and its deficient culture and why you and I should do our best to avoid such a place that is economically ruinous and socially inept as a whole. Even though there are swaths of Kentucky residents who are intelligent and well spoken, it seems as if millions are incapable of doing such.

Sadly, although Kentucky is a beautiful state in many areas, its citizenry could care less about cleaning up after themselves and making their state look better. It doesn't say much when such a state is constantly one of the dirtiest in the country. Not to mention the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection has to regularly patrol parts of the state trying to catch people dumping trash in places it shouldn't be dumped. While cities like Louisville refuse to clean up their cities and public places which are riddled with trash all over the sidewalks, roadways, ditches and the only time that Louisville tries to clean up its city is around the famous horse race in May and then within a month it already looks terrible. Add in the fact that when Muhammad Ali died in 2016, the city of Louisville had to actually hire people and organize a quick task force to clean the streets of garbage just one month after the city has thousands of vistors for its famous horse race. That being said, it was cleaned up in a couple of days for the funeral procession through the city. After which a month later it looked just as bad as it did a month earlier as no one seems to understand the usage of trash cans and proper litter disposal.

Some people won't like this blog and that is perfectly ok because I'm going to say what is on my mind and that is the point of such a blog to talk about your thoughts along with facts, figures, opinions, etc. This page will express many facts and figures that for some reason are not being reported widespread in Kentucky media or by their incomptent and ineffectual state government. Not to mention the 100 plus cheiftains of the various House and Senate districts in Kentucky that act like village chieftains rather than representatives of the people.

That said, I hope that some people do enjoy this blog as I do make a full hearted attempt at exposing issues that are obviously problems that the majority of people seemingly have no clue that how it affects them and their standard of living and those around them including their families. Thanks for your support to those who write me talking about such said issues and intelligent commentary. White Trash Kentucky

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