Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Louisville, Kentucky: Impossibility City Part Four

White Trash Kentucky With all of the national angst about the issues that police are having in policing their communities one would think that all officers would heed such issues very carefully and show discretion towards law enforcement issues and not participate in scandalous behavior.

However, in Louisville, Kentucky the police of the Louisville Metro Police Department have a program called the Explorers where local youth explore a career in police work including the various jobs and tasks that a law enforcement officer must do in his daily duties.

Which all seems fine and good and should be encouraged but with one major problem.

Some of the officers in Louisville have been involved in a sexual abuse scandal and cover up with the Louisville Metro Police Department Explorer program. Not only the criminal activity of said officers who were involved in sexual abuse of minors aged 14 to 19 including a young woman who was coerced and forced into having sexual activity with an officer.

Meanwhile the vile scum and villainy that occurs in the Louisville Metro Police Department is not a new occurred as there have been many officers over the years who have been been terminated, fired, disciplined, and even prosecuted for such criminal behavior.

This all goes back to the corruption and dishonesty of the last two or three mayors of Louisville, Kentucky reaching back to the 1980s and 1990s when this type of criminal corrupt behavior has been tolerated by the local officials. Maybe not to the extent of such blatant violation of minors but a system of corrupt local officials who cover up said abuses and political favors.

Or as one local writer in Louisville, Kentucky called it and correctly so, a pay for play system. In that sense where local businesses and local developers in the community ended up paying the local government with favors and other inducements to allow their businesses and companies to develop land and projects, etc. Just as long as those developers and businessmen paid the proper government officials and those in the political sphere their dues and made sure that it was done off the books and therefore outside of public scrutiny.

This sort of corrupt behavior is nothing new to Kentucky going back for generations even back in the late 1800s when corrupt business interests and Confederates ran the Kentucky State Government after the Civil War. It has continued in places like Louisville in the way of machine politics and corrupt government practices. All the while Louisville, KY is the 4th highest taxed city in the United States of America. Amazing isn't it that Louisville is the 4th highest taxed city in the whole country. Right up there with cities like Chicago, New York, Boston, San Francisco, and others. But near the top of the food chain in a state that is known for its extensive poverty and poor educational system.

Meanwhile the LMPD and its current and previous chiefs try to cover up their misdeeds, malfeasance, and known corruption and no one does anything about it. All the while Mayor Greg Fischer continues to cover up for the same bunch of crooks and trying to talk all the same time about Transparency.

Meanwhile, in Louisville, they could care less about transparent governmental behavior and actually representing the citizens and taxpayers instead continuing their notable governmental corruption. If its not the shenanigans that occur regularly at the University of Louisville in both the university and the athletic department, its in city and or state government in Kentucky.

These occurrences are not one time missteps but a pattern of systematic corruption and government malfeasance. All the while the Mayor of Louisville shouts about being a compassionate city and acting in governmental matters with transparency and uprightness.

Which is nothing more than a sordid joke to talk about such behavior but to have a police department, city works, and other governmental bodies such as city government offices proceed with corrupt practices and then act hypocritically by saying you are transparent. Laughable at best but criminal at the worst which is something that Kentucky should be number one in and that's government corruption on a scale that would rank right up there with Chicago, New York and other model big cities where public corruption scandals are daily news. In the case of Chicago with Rahm Emanuel and previously Richard Daley along with the convictions of several Illinois governors like Rod Blagojevich and George Ryan as well as the conviction of Dennis Hastert, former speaker of the US House of Representatives.

Wonder when the Louisville right to know media is going to actually start spilling the beans on the city of Louisville and its right to screw its citizens Kentucky style. All the while the Kentucky country boys and provincials don't even realize how much they are being screwed to death by the system. A system that has spent generations keeping Kentucky a backward cesspool of corruption and crime instead of capitalizing on the natural resources, scenic beauty, and possibilities.

All in a city such as Louisville which laughingly calls itself "Possibility City" despite being economically impoverished in many areas of the city and having a crime rate multiple times that of its state and being a problematic area considered a no-go area even for many locals in Indiana and Kentucky that won't go to Louisville unless they absolutely have to go do Louisville. A compassionate city as called by Mayor Greg Fischer all the while having a huge homeless population of thousands despite being the largest city in the commonwealth. Supposedly an economic beacon and engine yet having a collapsing and falling apart infrastructure that looks like it should be such as in a third world nation.

A city that is economically unsound and has to rely on government assistance and big programs to feed so many of its citizens and even to house a large percentage of these people. While the muckety mucks spend all kinds of time during March, April and early May cleaning up the city for its signature horse race. While the rest of the city by June and July looks like someone dumped the trash on the streets and emptied out their trash cans and left their garbage on city streets.

A city that has a budget nearly 1 billion dollars (903 million in 2016) and (849 billion for 2018) yet cannot properly fix its streets and infrastructure properly. Instead having to spend several million dollars from the city fund for the maintenance of the Yum Center (which was supposed be paid by tax increment financing by the local downtown tax district). Instead the city of Louisville is raiding the general fund that should be going to maintain the streets and infrastructure which is horrid despite being the 4th highest taxed city in the United States.

Something is wrong here when you have a city with the 4th highest taxes yet cannot fix your infrastructure, roadways, and byways. Instead paying out money to settle all of the lawsuits that have been incurred by the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department as well as the Louisville Metro Government over the years.

All the while talking about being a "Possibility City" and a "Compassionate City" while the local law enforcement violates young people and violates the law in so many ways its plain astounding.

But remember, its Kentucky and its very provincial and thinking small is why Kentucky still ranks in the bottom 5 states in just about every category and has for decades.
White Trash Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky: Impossibility City Part Three

White Trash Kentucky Louisville likes to brag about how much of an economic progressive and improving place that it truly is. Nothing could be farther from the truth about Louisville which is why companies in the know such as Amazon are staying away from places like Louisville which is economically backwards and suffering from lack of investment in quality education and quality job opportunities. So now after decades of this rot and stupidity, Louisville's so called leadership is going to get on the ball and start doing something about it. The only problem though is that they've had decades to try to reform Louisville in their image and they've failed. All because they didn't want to give up the reins of power to people with more talent and ambition and less old world monetary influence. 

Which is why over the last 100 years or so, Louisville has went from being probably the predominant city of the Southern United States along with New Orleans to an economic basketcase with little to offer its remaining citizens and keep them there. At one time Louisville was a much larger city than other Southern cities like Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, etc. The leadership of Louisville or what was called leadership never wanted the city to progress beyond the 600k to 700k level that it is currently at because that would have meant that they would have had to share power with the citizens and others in the community that wanted equality and an equal piece of the pie. 

The old world money folks of Louisville and you can guess the longstanding community names and icons of the community wanted it to remain under their ownership and control that way they could remain the prominent and prestigious families in the city despite any wishes of new money and smaller people to attain economic and political control. So over the years, the money people in Louisville desperate to retain their status decided that it would be best to control and stymie economic growth to some extent that otherwise Louisville would grow too large and outside of their control. It explains a lot of ways why Louisville, Kentucky is behind the times as well the as the fact that the old money Louisvillians didn't want change and a prime example of that was the Ohio River Bridges Project. Which was originally started during the 1960s when the Interstate system was being built through Louisville. 

The amazing thing is that they spent decades holding back economic and social progress in Louisville to hold control over the community. Same with how the West End and the Chestnut Street black business district was allowed to be red lined into poverty and turning what used to be a functional part of Louisville in the West End prior to the 1970s into a black ghetto. They succeeded in that quest because the well to do owned the land and was able to force the closure of those black businesses which were middle class but didn't own the land in Louisville's downtown area. So the message was sent out and then over a period of years the black business district ceased to exist and poverty increased greatly. Following the push of the upper crust to force blacks into the formerly White West End, the whites eventually left the West End and settled in Shively, PRP, Valley Station and the like. 

Meanwhile, the former residents of Smoketown and Chestnut Streets and other black corridors were forced and red lined into getting housing in the former West End white controlled areas which were promptly abandoned by whites due to white flight and racial issues. 

This has been repeated in Louisville over the decades including for years when the East End upper crust did everything in their power to keep jobs and economics from growing in Louisville including other businesses wanting to come in. One prime example is their opposition to the East End bridge which would finally link the area together when it opened in 2016. Despite the fact that the Interstate System in Louisville including I-265 was to have had a East End bridge planned as early as the 1960s and 1970s. 

So now, its 2018 and the Louisville so called leaders and power brokers are at it again proving they are still clueless about Louisville and what the city needs to move forward. They no longer hold all the levers of power but they still have great clout especially in the political machine, business community, and the like. Which is why this is even more laughable that they have formed their own steering committees for the power brokers and their pawns in city government, local business, and other organizations. All the while the people are again being ignored or are in some cases so chronically stupid that they enjoy being screwed over time and time again. This nice piece in the Courier Journal talks about the power brokers and their unannounced and planned committees. 


As usual, Louisville ends up proving that its not a major US city even though it probably does have the potential to be such. Its just that the local yokels end up finding ways to stub their toe and remain economically and educationally backwards. Almost to the point that Louisville and its residents and its resident power brokers aren't capable of maintaining some level of competence that would allow Louisville to advance from being now the 11th poorest city in the nation. A city that is economically backwards and increasingly unable to be competitive not only on in the world but also within its region in the United States. Add in a regressive tax structure in Kentucky which makes Louisville and the rest of the state suffer from 1950s era tax laws and the fact that many laws in Kentucky haven't been changed since the 1970s. 

However, the real blame goes to the so called upper crust of Louisville which has spent a generation mismanaging a city that should be a crown jewel in a state that really needs a lot of help economically, educationally and socially. They've spent years trying to keep Louisville backwards and the rot and disrepair is finally showing in the last several years. Especially considering that Louisville hasn't kept up with the times. Louisville in many areas looks like a post industrial economic apocalypse hit somewhere in the past few decades. As one well traveled gentleman told me once, he couldn't believe how bombed out Louisville actually looked and he had been to dozens of other cities that looked a whole lot better than Louisville. 

Louisville's so called leaders have spent decades keeping Louisville and the region from fulfilling its true potential which should be a massive economic jewel in the region. All because they couldn't get past their egotistical ways and lack of gumption to make the city and general area a much better place. Nowadays the rot is starting to be very evident as one can see the declining quality of life in the region and city as a whole. Evidence of this could be just going through the various neighborhoods of Louisville and looking at the degradation of the quality of life and economic conditions. Not only that but the increasingly rotting infrastructure and lack of development that is evident in Louisville. 

All the while the city tries to dress itself up for the famous May horse race it spends the other 10 months of the year not giving a single solitary damn about making its city look better. Trashy roadways, garbage everywhere, one of the highest rat infestation problems among US cities, bedbugs galore which indicates nasty conditions, etc. Add in the general disrepair of many areas of Louisville and the general economic disincentives such as high taxes and being the 4th highest taxed city in the nation. All the while remaining to be one of the poorest cities in the country now coming in at 11th place in the United States. 

Meanwhile, the power brokers continue to do what they've done for the past 100 years in Louisville which is why what used to be one of the largest cities in the South has been passed greatly by over the last 100 years by other regional cities as far as Texas, Georgia, North Carolina and other former Confederate states. Louisville has continually went backwards compared even to other cities in its local regions of the United States. At one time, Louisville was larger than Atlanta which now is the largest metro area in the whole Southeast. Louisville continued to go backwards because of the lack of intellect in its general population as well as the fact that the powers that be conspired to keep Louisville smaller and without other amenities and businesses that a thriving metro area would have. Add in the fact, that jobs in Louisville pay about 20 percent less than the US average and its not hard to see why Louisville now has so many economic and social problems despite the lower cost of living. 

Look at all of the other cities in the Southeastern US that used to be smaller than Louisville and have less opportunities and now are larger and more prosperous than Louisville. Not to mention those in the Ohio Valley like Pittsburgh and Cincinnati which are now much larger than Louisville. Or how other regional cities like Columbus, Nashville, Indianapolis, and Kansas City have long outpaced Louisville. Decades ago, Louisville was far the superior size of many of those cities but the backwards mentality of the local yokels and the political and economic kingmakers kept Louisville backwards and that way they could have an economically captive population. 

You would think that the citizens of Louisville would get tired of this shtick but they seem to be dumbed down to the point they can't mount an effective resistance to the power brokers control over their community. Its like they've lost all sense of right and desire to stand up for right. However, that somehow doesn't surprise me being that it is Louisville where mediocrity and being low mentality is readily acceptable.
White Trash Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky: Bomb Cratered Streets Part Two

White Trash Kentucky In my first installment, I discussed the Louisville issue of bomb cratered streets and infrastructure issues including that of the public screwing the the taxpayers of Louisville, Kentucky, and Southern Indiana are getting via increased tolls on the Kennedy and Lincoln bridges as well as the East End Bridge.

Now I think its time to pay attention to various Louisville streets that might as well be pockmarked like the moon with the various road issues and lack of attention that has been paid to the Louisville streets over the years.

Dixie Highway comes to mind of being the biggest clusterf--k around when it comes to Louisville roadways. Bumpy through about 20 miles of its existence from downtown all the way to the Jefferson Hardin County line. For years this road was a main thoroughfare from Louisville across the southern states. Yet after the interstate system was built in the 1960s and 1970s, it entered a rapid period of decline.

Why is it that its taken the better part of a generation of 20 years to figure out how to configure Dixie Highway to be a safe, efficient, and high traffic thoroughfare through the populated areas of Southwestern Louisville including Shively, Pleasure Ridge Park, Valley Station, and Kosmosdale, etc. All the while the road has been bumpy and uneven for years due to lack of maintenance and lack of engineering standards to keep the road as a major roadway safe and efficient. Add in the fact that the drivers of Dixie make it more dangerous with their lack of driving skills and lack of common sense. That should be strictly enforced by Louisville Metro and the Kentucky State Police but they are too busy solving other crimes and problems in the city nowadays to do much traffic enforcement.

However, they used to regularly hand out tickets on Dixie Highway back in the 90s and 2000s era on a regular basis and didn't shy away from pulling people over. The only place you might find them sitting now is south of the Gene Snyder Freeway because their traffic enforcement is lax between Valley Station and downtown at best. All the while residents are regularly in accidents because of lane switching, tailgaters, stop light running and various other bad driving practices.

Add in the fact that the road is poorly lit and poorly maintained as well as tremendously bumpy in many sections with the roadway having raised surfaces and falling apart lends to the problems as well. Too many businesses and entry ways to cause issues as well and an overbearing traffic load on the highway system.

Why Louisville can't get its public works system correct to get that road fixed properly is beyond me despite years of planning and community discussions that even though some work has been done, not much progress has been made. It shouldn't take an act of Congress or a military action to get something done to fix a roadway that carries so much of the traffic load for the Southwest Louisville area.

Why the people of Louisville continue to put up with this crap?

There are plenty of downtown surface streets in Louisville that could use some TLC as well especially in the Downtown and Old Louisville as well as Butchertown and Smoketown areas. Too numerous to mention here I would love to video all of the bombed out streets of Louisville and show the public what a mess they truly are. Maybe that might get the attention of the Metro Government that instead of polishing their nails and having a manicure could actually do some work and get roads fixed which is an essential function of government.

Also, who in the hell is the idiot in Louisville in charge of the traffic light system? They should be fired and forced to dig ditches for the rest of their days instead of trying to unsuccessfully manage traffic lights so that people aren't spending an eternity sitting at lights because of lack of synchronization.

I remember back in 2009 that there was to be total sychronization of the traffic signals in Louisville, KY since the city under Jerry Abramson was supposed to be fixing that problem. Yet its 8 years later and that still hasn't occurred under the Greg Fischer administration. They've did nothing except waste the last eight years in getting someone to do their job and fix the problems that cause people to have to sit wastefully for hours at the lights every year when there is no traffic or very little traffic running. Its mind bogglingly stupid to have such a system that could be used to save on gas costs, wear and tear on cars, and time and yet not use it efficiently.

You're telling me that Louisville Public Works can't do its job and actually commit to fix the traffic light issues. Despite the fact that in 2009, the Mayor of Louisville, Jerry Abramson chose to take over the maintenance of the system from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet which included maintenance on all state roads and numbered roads within the jurisdiction of Louisville Metro. Of which now the city of Louisville ie Louisville Metro now is responsible for the upkeep, snow removal, and roadway improvements on all former state routes.

Yet under the incompetent and clueless Greg Fischer administration, the road network has been increasingly falling into disrepair and lack of upkeep despite the promises of a clueless and incompetent mayor that refuses to take public safety seriously by fixing roadways. Instead he's more worried about liberal agenda items such as having more bike lanes and more sustainability ideas which add very little to the city other than more waste and more inefficiency rather than fixing what needs to be fixed.

Louisville, thinks as itself as a world class city, but its a delusion with the political and business leaders in Louisville being largely ineffectual and incompetent to promoting change, progress and improvement. All the while playing the usual constituent games to get re-elected while the overglorified trailer park burns down around them. With crime and murders spiking through the roof, these political games are jeopardizing the future of the region and taxpayers. Too bad most people are too ignorant or self absorbed to actually know or care about anything that doesn't hit them in the face.
White Trash Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky: Bomb Cratered Streets Part One

White Trash Kentucky Louisville being a city of 750,000 people that swells to a larger city with the influx of traffic and job seekers has some of the most jacked up and horrid infrastructure of any major US city I have been to. That includes by trips to places like Indianapolis, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Nashville, Memphis, Columbus, etc. Not to mention farther more far flung locales in the Eastern United States.

I can easily understand and sympathize with the difficulty that local road crews have with continuing to upkeep roadways and surface streets in a place that has so much cold weather from November to March on a yearly basis. However, I can't understand how a city with a ridiculously high rate of taxes on its residents cannot fix its city streets and infrastructure. Not to mention to add in high sewer bills and high water bills that are run by the city government and the MSD and Water Company which regulary sticks it to the consuming public. All the while the public officials at those agencies are appointees of the Mayor of Louisville. They stink and reek of incompetence, favortism, nepotism, and good old boy corruption on a grand scale that would make Boss Tweed look like a moral and decent man.

Louisville seems to be a city always under construction but nothing really substantive gets done unless the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet takes the lead and even with their blatant stupidity gets very little done. Just enough to keep the roadways running and clear and other than that, they find a way to regularly spend more money and mismanagement is rife in their ranks. Which is partially why Louisville and Southern Indiana commuters and other passers by have to pay ridiculous tolling charges on a bridge system that could have been built in a publicly funded way with existing tax revenues and gas taxes. Instead of being screwed to death with more tolls that equate to a monthly cable TV bill just for the privilege of having to go to work to earn a living on either side of the river.

A system that cannot even get its crap straight to where people are being sent late fees via invoices for bills that they never received in the first place. A system that couldn't be ran by the Commonwealth of Kentucky or State of Indiana or local governmental agency but instead by a faceless, nameless, company based out of Texas that is doing the billings. Why is it that Kentucky and Indiana couldn't at least come up with a system where billing and collections were at least done locally instead of being farmed out to Texas where company in question continues to screw the general public and taxpayers.

Will this be like the 2006 to 2014 Indiana Toll Road debacle where Indiana got several billion dollars in money for exchange for a 75 year toll road concession? Only to find out in 2014 and 2015 that the company that was running the tolling system went bankrupt so the state had to operate it until a new consortium took over the management and fiscal operations of the Indiana Toll Road.

How many years will the taxpayers continue to be fleeced by the company that Kentucky in its infinite wisdom chose to screw the ratepayers with? How much money will be wasted on inefficient company practices and billing mistakes made by this faceless and corrupt outfit? How much will the taxpayers have to be soaked with in tolls because the Commonwealth of Kentucky cannot manage its own economy, education system, government and the like to where the drivers had to be tolled.
There were plenty of opportunities over the years to get this done if the Commonwealth of Kentucky had not been an economic and social basketcase with a socialistic government that wasted billions of dollars of a 20 to 30 year period and couldn't even manage a state pension fund. All the while racking up a 60 billion dollar deficit to said pension fund with the help of various governors and state legislators always kicking the can down the road. Why is it that the people of Kentucky continue to elect these various morons including the current governor Matt Bevin? A guy that mentally isn't fit to run a lemonade state. More on Bomb Cratered Streets Louisville Style Part IIWhite Trash Kentucky

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Violent Mentality of Kentuckians and Their Lowlife Nature: Another Pissed Kentuckian

At first over the years, I really tried to be polite to Kentuckians though I didn't understand their lack of common sense or the fact that so many Kentuckians are just chronically dense. I really tried to be polite to these people but after so many years of dealing with their chronic stupidity and ignorance, its long past time that I just call it like I see it. So one our Kentucky luminaries of course anonymously had to run his/her mouth like the ignoramuses from Kentucky so often do. So this is my response to the what I might call the Kentucky whiners. 


As I've noted on countless occasions, Kentucky is one of the worst states in the country in most categories no matter what kind of metrics that you want to use. It's not a theory that Kentucky ranks 46th in the United States in personal per capita income. Not to mention 46th in median family income. Not to mention 20 percent of Kentuckians live in poverty and among youth its 25 percent.

That just conflicts with your little limited worldview. According to you and US News, you're saying that Kentucky is 42nd which isn't a middle tier state at all but again right at the bottom. What you inbred morons fail to realize is that your state is consistently near the bottom of the pack when it comes to incomes, education, health outcomes, etc. You're too stupid to realize that and I've consistently pointed out the facts, figures, and statistics that came from the Federal government, Wikipedia, the Federal Reserve, the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Which go into far great depth than your pay grade being the uneducated backwoods Kentuckians that many of you are.

Your state sucks in essence.

What I find so hilarious is to watch you whining nincompoops continue to try whine and complain about my postings. If they were so untrue, then you would be able to pick everything I said apart of which you cannot do so. The laughable part of this is that most of you morons probably spend all day getting pissed off in your little hovels in Kentucky because what I post comes from news sources within your own state including the Louisville Courier-Journal, Lexington Herald-Leader, Glasgow, Richmond, Ashland, Bowling Green and countless other Kentucky bumpkin villages that call themselves cities. Louisville and Lexington are definitely cities in the Commonwealth, the rest might as well be on the moon. That being said, your state regularly ranks at the bottom the United States rankings for education especially post secondary which is what really brings about economic prosperity in the country.

Anyone can hire a Kentucky moron for a job working at Wal Mart or McDonald's which is about the educational and pay grade that most of you exhibit on a daily basis. I will say though that I've had a few posters from Kentucky who ironically were educated in other states that were much, much more intellectually gifted than the average mouthy Kentucky denizen that posts here. The average Kentuckian truly is not very intelligent overall although there are exceptions to the average in any situation.

The truth is that probably half of the population of your state is in some form mentally challenged. It's obvious from even Kentucky based organizations and government that your citizens are often unlearned, uneducated as well as being functionally illiterate. Including the nearly 500,000 Kentucky residents who are considered functionally illiterate and incapable of doing basic menial tasks and work requirements. Which is why Kentucky has a huge population of non-disabled people on government assistance despite the fact that they've had years of government financing all kinds of social improvement projects and that Kentucky spends at least the average of $10,192 dollars per student. Yet despite all of this, Kentucky regularly has only about 54 percent of its population that is considered proficient at 12th grade reading, writing and English composition. Add in the fact that only 36 percent of Kentucky kids can graduate school being proficient in math and only 38 percent are proficient in science.

Those statistics pretty well measure up the intelligence of the average Kentuckian quite nicely. Those statistics also came from the Kentucky Department of Education which allegedly measures the academic achievements of all Kentuckians and their school systems. Of course, you wouldn't want to expound why Kentuckians are so chronically dumb and chronically lazy now would you? Which is why the Kentucky maggots have to either flag or threaten someone that is a whole hell of a lot smarter than they are. You know how that works don't you?

Oh and its not going to end badly for me because there's nothing you are going to do to stop me in my quest to continue to tell the truth about Kentucky so that finally enough people will realize that Kentucky is a chronically screwed up state that any non native would start thinking about either getting the hell out of or not moving there in the first place. See maggot, I can post anywhere I choose to because there are plenty of other avenues available via other media to rip your state to shreds.

I'm going to continue to call out your state and call out your general public for being morons. Especially in light of the increasingly moronic bullshit that you as Kentuckians think you can pull and that some of us won't call you out on it. Even more to that is that I'm going to continue to let people know around the country who are tuning into my posts and commentary that your state is nothing more than a pig sty. Of which a great deal of Americans know that Kentucky is at the bottom of all kinds of categories and only exceeded in generally shitty conditions by a few other Southern states such as West Virginia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and others. At least those states in the far South have plenty of other nearby amenities than what Kentucky has.

The fact that Kentuckians get so forcefully and violently pissed off at anyone that makes comments about the wretched conditions that exist in The White Trash state says more about them than the people who made the comments. The hilarity of it is that Kentuckians are such thin skinned morons that they are incapable of handling any sort of criticism. Whether it be about economic and social conditions regarding their state or the corruption of Kentucky government which is one of the most corrupt state governments in the entire United States of America. A state who had previous governors end up going to jail as well as the fact that the entire Kentucky establishment back in 1991 was investigated for government corruption and several people were finally brought to justice. Kentucky is also a bankrupted and fiscally insolvent state that can't pay its pension obligations to its retirees and state employees.

So if your state is such a wonderful place, then do tell because being 46th or 47th in income depending on which metric you use doesn't sound terribly hot in light of the fact that since 1939 Kentucky has been 44th or worse in state per capita income. Not to mention the wretched state of Kentucky and its finances which are ranked as one of the worst ran states in the United States.

Even more telling is the massive numbers of native Kentuckians that have to leave their home state in order to find decent jobs and employment in other neighboring states and they end up staying there because they know what a total shithole state that Kentucky truly is.

You say its going to end badly for me but in fact you and the rest of the inbred mouth breathers of Kentucky are the ones ultimately that will lose out because I'm living far from Kentucky and I wouldn't move back to Kentucky if you gave me a 250,000 dollar house and a 100,000 dollar a year job to live in your wretched state and mouth breather infested society.

You like to mention that Kentucky didn't rank 50th on the list of best states. That's the Kentucky white trash mentality that you think you're actually better than those states at the bottom 7 or so but the truth is that you were only ranked a bit higher because of 2 or 3 metrics in that written piece by U.S. News. In most everything else, you were a bottom 5 or 6 state in just about every category.

I know it pisses you 70-90 IQ morons from Kentucky off that someone tears down your state but your state is literally and figuratively right there at the bottom of US states. No matter how much you want to tout a couple of random statistics that make your state look better than what it really is. Even your neighboring states and many of their citizens regularly poke fun at the stupidity of Kentuckians in general. In fact, you're a laughingstock to many people in states like Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and even Tennesseans think that many of the cretins from your state are nothing more than idiots.

I know a man who lived in Kentucky for decades as well as grew up in Tennessee and he had to leave Kentucky because he couldn't tolerate the stench of the white trash population of Kentucky not to mention that two of his wives were from Kentucky and he maybe in a less than objective manner saw what kind of white trash they turned out to be. This man was a esteemed member of the community and a high school principal so its not as if he was the problem. What's hilarious about Kentucky is that you hillbillies bitch and moan about stereotypes and people picking on you and your decrepit society.

What's rich is that you turn around and reinforce those very stereotypes that most of the rest of America has about Kentucky which is why not only in the Midwest but also the Plains, East, Northeast, and West you're considered ultimately the backwoods of America. Even your neighboring states to the North and South of you are not considered laughingstock states like Kentucky is and has been for decades. The truth is that when I moved back North in 2012 my new neighbors looked at my Kentucky plates and made some comments without knowing I was originally from the North.

Once I explained that I was transferred to the wretched shithole called Kentucky, they immediately understood that I was much closer in values and human decency to them than to the social outcasts, uneducated bumpkins and decrepit trailer trash mentality people that make up a good cross section of Kentucky society.

I've long had experiences with your society and your type of people and they were less than friendly and most Kentuckians are a fake sort of friendly. So can keep your notions of Kentucky values or Kentucky religious values and they are laughable at best and hypocritical at worst. Even among some of the more educated Kentuckians I've encountered in law, business, education and technology I've encountered plenty of people who could be accurately described as most of you clowns would be termed bubba types in suits and dresses. Sad but true no matter how far you can take some Kentuckians away from Appalachia and the backwoods mental state that exists in Kentucky, you'll still find that you can't the Appalachian mentality out of the majority of Kentucky residents. Even in the western sections of the state which resembles more of Illinois or Missouri than Eastern Kentucky, the mentality still exists on a wide swath of people including many people who can barely master rudimentary English.

As far as me having a meltdown, I'm going to be like a mule that keeps kicking you between the eyes and you can expect that there isn't going to be anything that your'e going to do about it. All of your horses asses and all of your men aren't going to make Kentucky whole again. The best thing for you idiots is to actually work on your society and start producing intelligent people that are reasoned and don't have to rely on a government crazy check to make their way in the world. Instead of producing countless generations of white trash morons that are getting chock full of Mountain Dew, hillbilly Heroin, prescription drugs, etc. Then again, its Kentucky and you like low quality people and low quality outcomes. Unless its basketball and eventually that's going to be shown to be farce and fraud. Then again, when your state has nothing to offer and really brag about, then I guess it really is that you have to brag about your basketball prowess. Only problem is that 80 to 90 percent of the UK and U of L basketball teams are from out of state and places that most of you hilljacks have never been nor could probably find on a map without someone showing you.

Its kind of like Kentucky and their xenophobia issues which isn't totally uncommon in rural states except that in Kentucky, you have to rely on Third World doctors from places like India, Pakistan, Africa, Southeast Asia and elsewhere for medical services in your backwoods counties because you don't have enough people that are intelligent enough to be trained to be doctors.

It's like a doctor I knew from Louisville that told me things that I knew were not true from personal experience but her education was from the backwoods of Kentucky in one of the towns in the mountains. When I questioned another doctor about this, he pointed out that she was totally wrong about her assessment. That's the type of geniuses that come out Kentucky. Which is why your state despite massive outlays of federal welfare programs and government assistance remains largely dependent on not only government but charity cases. Its also why your state remains as stupid and backwards as it does because instead of making your own way in the world through education, advancement and self sufficiency for those able bodied people. Your state remain a cesspool despite all of the federal handouts that have defined Kentucky for at least 50 years since the War On Poverty started.

Too bad Kentucky doesn't start a War on Stupidity but it prides itself in being the champion in the United States in the production of stupid people. All you have to do is spread your legs and another stupid Kentuckian pops out.

Kentucky: A Society Of Dunces Socially, Economically and Educationally

White Trash Kentucky
Kentuckians have long been known as less than bright people and a society of dunces. This is well known in other states and to the point that Kentucky remains a national laughingstock and an embarrassment of a state to people that actually have lived elsewhere and often know better. Kentuckians in general have in many cases limited experience elsewhere and those who do have that experience often do not return to Kentucky unless they have been an economic or social failure in their new place of residence. It reminds me of the fact that former Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson was spending time about 10 years ago going to other US cities trying to get people from vast numbers of other states to move back to Louisville to help jump start the local economy in Louisville.

Despite all of his rhetoric and Possibility City mantra, those whining appeals fell on deaf ears because those in the know with good careers, jobs, education and social skills told Abramson that they would not move back to Louisville and environs because of the lack of local education to do its job as well as the lousy economy in the Louisville metro region. So in essence those native Kentuckians thumbed their nose at their home state even though the mayor of their state's largest city begged for people to come back to Louisville to invest in that fetid city. A true bizarro world where everything is done backwards and without common sense or intelligence.

That is in essence what Kentucky truly is. A world of the bizarre where common sense isn't common and people generally lack basic intelligence or ways of doing things. In Kentucky, that sort of stupidity is seen all across Kentucky society no matter which part of the state that people live in. That is why Kentucky is chronically economically, educationally and socially backwards.

Logic is something in Kentucky that is truly missing with a good percentage of the population.

While this is something totally different than dealing with everyday Kentuckians, it reminds me a of UK football game from last season where the wide receiver from the opposing team was not even covered by the defensive back despite the player from the other team being totally open on one side of the field. So then Kentucky loses the game to my obvious delight because of a stupid total meltdown by the Kentucky player that left the opposing receiver open for a game winning touchdown.

I had to laugh for about 10 minutes straight watching the replay on SEC Television of the Kentucky player and coaching staff having their head so far up their ass that they totally blew a winnable game. That's the type of bizzaro world mentality that exists in Kentucky.

Even more funny is watching the everyday actions on the roads of places like Louisville and other cities in Kentucky where I lived for five years. If it wasn't so dangerous and with insurance rates higher than my current location, it would have been must see TV to record all of the dumbasses on the roads in Louisville that are incapable of driving much less on dry pavement and then having chronic problems when it rains or God forbid snows at all. Its quite funny watching Kentuckians try to drive in snow even though Kentucky does in many cases get 10 or 15 inches of snow in many parts of the state every year. I can only imagine watching the backwoods idiots drive in a Northern state where they have to pay attention at all times during inclement weather. This has to do with Kentuckians more than likely having very short attention spans which seems to be another problem in Louisville.

The best part of Louisville is watching all of the morons who can't understand basic concepts and rules of the road that don't require a college education much less any sort of formal education. However, Kentuckians can't seem to understand basic rules of the road. Things that should have been taught early in drivers ed or riding with a family member. Such as how a four way stop works, merging on interstates, caution lights and driving through them, tailgating and proper lane changing.

Kentuckians just don't act all that smart on the roads either which is why our insurance premiums dropped by several hundred dollars per year just when we moved out of Kentucky. Even better is the fact that Kentucky hasn't reformed its insurance laws since the 1970s and most other states have made common sense reforms just in the past couple of decades. Kentucky is a great place if you want to live 20 or 30 years behind everywhere else in mentality, culture and society. Not so great if you have first world standards and want to live like the average American.

One Kentucky issue is that Kentucky doesn't know how to properly maintain and construct interstate on ramps and then cousin Cletus from Bugtussle, Kentucky isn't sophisticated enough to understand that if he is going to merge into 60 and 70 mph traffic that he is going to have to get up to speed. The same type of stupidity though isn't limited to rural Kentucky but even in the so called progressive city of Louisville which might as well be a collection of trailers although it is dressed up nicely with some nice houses. The mentality though remains in Louisville because you can take the Kentuckian out of Appalachia but you can't take the Appalachian mentality out of Kentuckians. No matter what fine clothing and fine apparel you put a Kentuckian in eventually they will open their mouth and some sort of arcane version of Kentucky bubba or redneck speech will become evident as soon as the participant opens his or her mouth.

So here's that for you Kentuckians and I'm going to be here kicking you in the ass every day and in every way. Eat up because it probably doesn't taste too good does it? That's ok though because I keep hearing about my coming meltdown mentally and the laughable thing is that I'm busting a gut laughing at the stupidity of the people from what is right down with the dumbest societies of people in the United States. Hell, your state shouldn't be even considered part of the United States and should be expelled because that would make the national IQ skyrocket if Kentucky and a few other Southern states left the Union. Too bad Lincoln didn't let you clowns go in 1861 to 1865 because in hindsight it wouldn't have been much of a loss considering that the South is largely the portion of the country that holds the rest of the United States back.

White Trash Kentucky

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Louisville Again Passed Up By Other US Cities (Louisville Is A Laughingstock)

White Trash Kentucky https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2018/01/18/louisville-excluded-amazon-hq/1043548001/

Louisville again proves what an inept metropolitan area that it truly is when other cities around Louisville make the first cut for Amazon's new 50,000 employee eastern hub. Indianapolis, Columbus, and Nashville. 

Louisville didn't even make the cut from 237 cities to 20 which is laughable because Louisville again proves that its ill suited and position to have good paying jobs that would pay an average of 100,000 a year. Louisville will have to settle again for being the box flipping capital of the Ohio Valley with more minimum wage and part time jobs like its skill level indicates. Same goes for the Kentucky educational system being crap and something that it has been for decades. Which is why Louisville never gets much of anything outside of lower wage jobs and positions that don't pay much. Oops, looks like your city laid another goose egg just like it has been doing for the last few decades. 

Louisville can't even pave its own streets and keep up its own rotten infrastructure. Give it a few years with all of the corruption, nepotism and good boy culture of Louisville and its government and you'll be moving towards being the next Flint, MI or Detroit, MI because its obvious that you are rapidly falling into your own fecal matter. 

Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District is 4.3 billion dollars into the hole in debt right now which is up from about 2 billion only a few years ago. Guess what? That means your sewer rates are probably going to go up another 10 percent. All because former MSD Chief Bud Schardein and Jerry Abramson along with the handjobs of Greg Fischer allowed this fiasco to go on again. This nice piece from the LMPD news talks about that issue. Enjoy the screwing you're going to be getting again because you're too busy sucking up to career criminals and morons. Way to go Louisville, you're well on the way to being another Flint or Detroit. 


This blog below is very dated but it tells and speaks volumes to why Louisville is falling behind and is turning into a joke. A true Detroit of the Ohio Valley.


Eat up Louisville, you're being fed a crap sandwich and you get the full effect of it coming soon.
White Trash Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky Schools and The Jefferson County Public Schools (Low Quality and Zero Results)


Looky here again, Louisville schools as usual are missing the mark again. Just like it has been for decades, the Louisville school systems are a total failure which is partially why this forum is full of unintelligent mouth breathers. Susie and Johnny can't spell after going to the JCPS after 13 years of education between K to 12. Meanwhile, half of the students at the Louisville/Jefferson County Public Schools are not even proficient at reading, reading comprehension, and obviously not even spelling. In mathematics it's even worse which is why Louisville doesn't have much of an economic future outside of the certain segment of the skilled population. 

Kentucky is in the same straits though because only about half of Kentucky students can read and write at a 12th grade level when they graduate high school. Not to mention that their math scores are well below 50 percent of the students having proficiency in 12th grade educational requirements. Add in the fact that only about 38 percent of Kentucky students are proficient in science based requirements. 

It's laughable that Kentucky spends $10,192 for every student in Kentucky despite the fact they are one of the worst state educational systems in the whole country. Basically relegating their inhabitants to a lifetime of poverty and criminal issues because instead of being intelligent they'll end up breaking the law and end up in jail. 

Guess what Kentuckians, these different studies and facts from your own state government prove one thing. It's that overall Kentuckians are uneducated and fundamentally stupid.White Trash Kentucky

Louisville and Its Powerbrokers Screwing the Citizens (Can Someone Play The Deliverance Theme Song On A Banjo)


Just had to love this piece about how Louisville is being led around by the nose by a certain group of handpicked so called leader and executives. All the while they even know that Louisville is in deep trouble economically, educationally, fiscally, etc. Then again, its because Kentuckians in general just aren't that bright. More evidence came to light in the fact that Amazon didn't want to even consider Louisville as a top 20 city to land their Amazon HQ 2. Why? Because the schools in Louisville and Kentucky in general produce generational morons incapable of the jobs of the future. 

Why does Louisville have a ton of warehouses and lower wage businesses? Because the truth is that the population in Louisville just isn't capable of higher level thinking in so many ways that they can't achieve nicer things. That's why Louisville is now the 11th poorest city in the whole country and will continue to be with its 3rd world status and moron infested educational system. Where sports and athletics matter more than actual school performance. Much less that most Louisvillians have actually spent much time outside of the sordid state and city in which they reside. 

Anyone that has been outside of Louisville knows that there are plenty of other US based locations as well as Canada with a better quality of life than what supposedly exists in Loserville. Loserville is such an economic and social loser of a mid major city that it has nothing of quality of life values that would be welcome most anywhere else. No real museums, no real cultural events, no sports teams other than the two hick supported universities in Kentucky. If it wasn't for shopping, bars, and people getting drunk and high all the time, Louisville wouldn't have anything else to do. 

The funny thing is that these so called Louisville leaders haven't even asked the generally dumb public in Louisville their take on local events. Which is about par for the course as Louisville has been ran by the same group of influential people going back for 100 years which is why even now Louisville is way behind other US cities and even states in economic performance, schools, social interaction, etc. Kind of like how Louisville can't come up with its own motto for greatness such as using something stolen from Austin, TX such as Keep Louisville Weird. Which is funny because Austin TX was using that motto far before Louisville, Kentucky ever thought about it. 

By the way, Louisville has been losing influence for decades now especially since all of the medium and high wage manufacturing has left Louisville. If it wasn't for the medical industry, Ford, and UPS Louisville would be economically about the same level as huge sections of Southeastern Michigan when the automotive industry pulled out of Detroit. 

The funny thing about all of these powerbrokers is that they pretty much hold the future of Louisville residents in their own hands rather than Louisville residents being smart and well informed enough to actually participate in the political process and determining what they want. Then again, Louisville has for generations been an economically and mentally dull place where being stupid is more of the rule than the exception. 

The hilarity of the entire situation is that the writer is barking up the wrong tree despite the fact these powerbrokers are acting in secret which never is good in any situation. All because the Louisville population is so mentally errant and brain dead that they're mentally challenged and largely incompetent. Mayberry isn't intelligent enough actually move onto bigger and better things. Which is why Louisville is way, way behind other regional peer cities. Louisville might as well be another Knoxville or Lexington with the mentality that it truly has. 

The funny thing is that Kentuckians always play down below the level of their competition and always have because they are largely too ignorant to develop their state and their economy for the benefit of the population. All because a sizable portion of their population is comprised of low IQ morons incapable of doing the most basic and menial tasks and they are incapable of seeing the big picture outside of Mayberry. 

Louisville despite its attempts to separate itself from its Kentucky kissing cousins in reality plays right to the level of the rest of Kentucky. Which is that Kentucky is a dirt poor impoverished state chock full of 75 to 85 IQ morons that are incapable of being anything more than outdated industrial machinery or better yet with the intellect they have ditch diggers. 

The reason the Louisville powerbrokers are now meeting is because down deep they even know what a total white trash shithole that most of their state truly is as well as Louisville. They know that Kentucky and Louisville is further on the way down the rabbit hole when it comes to intellect as well as other socioeconomic trends. That's why Kentucky is a net exporter of intelligent young people because they know that Louisville and even Lexington and other KY cities are nothing but a joke economically. So they intelligently decide to leave the white trash state and gladly move elsewhere that there are better paying opportunities and professional development. Louisville and the rest of the inbred infested state of Kentucky also known as The Commonwealth of Kentucky is more interested in keeping their captive population of uneducated morons and white trash right in their place where they want them. Which is why Kentucky is going to pretty soon be going the rest of the way into the dumpster because of its incompetent state government, horrible economic prospects for many people, and a state that is basically dependent on the federal government for sustenance to the point that it gets $1.51 for every dollar that it pays in federal taxes. 

So in essence the richer states in liberal land are actually paying up for Kentucky white trash losers to continue to be on social services, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and to refuse any decent employment because Kentuckians are truly the laziest people intellectually and mentally around. Kentucky might as well be the Detroit of the South just with a vast majority white population. Kentuckians perpetuate the often heard stereotypes of being barefoot and stupid and the more I see out of the Kentucky population, they more I realize that those stereotypes are not stereotypical but because they are largely true. That says more about Kentucky than the people doing the stereotyping.White Trash Kentucky