Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Kentuckians: Not all of them but a high percentage of them are ignoramuses

White Trash Kentucky White Trash Kentucky Kentuckians are as a rule the stupidest people in America. Not all but a larger percentage of anyplace I've ever been. Just stupid people. Comments from Kentucky natives exhibit a good example of what kind of neanderthal jackasses and morons live in the state. Just living in Louisville, KY will drop your IQ by ten points just living in that place dealing with all of the knuckle dragging, mouth breathing losers that live there. 

It's obvious that the gene pool in Kentucky has been polluted by generations of inbreeds and other assorted useless idiots that continue to breed their ignorance and stupidity. If its not the same racially motivated hatred of others that are different than your race, its some of the biggest bunch of idiots that I've ever seen. Gladly, I moved out of the state several years ago but I've felt a long time that Kentucky needs to be shown for what it really is and not what the state tries to advertise itself as Down Home Friendly. It's simply not that way whether you live in Louisville or elsewhere in Kentucky. I'm for one glad that I moved out of state from Louisville and I suspect that most people that move away from Louisville share the same ideas. 

For some reason, many native Kentuckians take pride in being toothless, uneducated, and totally ignorant of other cultures, civilizations, and even other parts of their own country. I've never seen anything like it and I've been to dozens of states across the country and outside of the country as well. I would expect some sort of mind blowing ignorance in a country where the standard of living is so low that people have limited access to print media, radio, and TV. 

I will be fair in saying that a good percentage of people in Louisville, Lexington and elsewhere are not that way and really do ascribe to being top notch people though in a state that ranks so lowly in so many categories they appear to be rocket scientists. 

There's some smart people in Louisville in the business community, doctors, lawyers, etc because most of the rest is a bunch of hillbilly trash that just happens to know how to wear a suit. Give them 5 minutes and you'll realize their out of place and lack intelligence or will end up saying something immensely stupid. Having been involved in professional and other pursuits in Louisville, it always amazed me the sheer amount of bubbas in suits in Louisville or even at your local businesses. Its obvious as someone who has lived in other states and been to most of the rest of the 50 states, that Louisville like most of its Southern neighbors is nothing but a white trash hillbilly city. Just dressed up nice and with that so genteel Southern culture on the skids. The reality is that its just a glamorized trailer park with a few really nice areas. Just that the houses are made of wood or brick or stone, but the trailer park mentality is alive and well in about 60 percent of LouisvilleWhite Trash Kentucky

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