Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Hilarity of the Responses I Get From Kentuckians Regarding My Posts.

White Trash Kentucky White Trash Kentucky This was originally a response to another moron from Kentucky that chose to engage in their typical rumor style of ignorance. Not once did they ever refute much of anything that I have said in my blog and elsewhere. They couldn't even try to come up with any sort of intelligent commentary other than doing a whine about my dislike for Kentucky culture and their societal woes. Of which there are many, so sit back and get your popcorn and this is my response to one them and their lack of mental acuity in regard to their ability to actually act intelligently.  

See that's the problem with Kentuckians is it they are so closed-minded and so lacking in being traveled and intelligent that as soon as someone criticizes the trailer park on the Ohio they all round up and circle the wagons.

Instead of handling the conversation in any way that actually talked about facts, figures and any sort of relevant information about Kentucky that actually would change anyone's mind you've been unable to. The reason is because your position is totally indefensible and deep down you know it so you and whatever other little stool pigeons you've been able to assemble are totally incompetent as well

I'm going to continue to do everything in my power that I can tell people about what kind of loco weed that they're dealing with when moving to Kentucky or doing business in that state.

Actually I'm planning on doing this as a public service to people from outside of Kentucky to show these people what kind of losers and decrepit individuals that really exist in your state. 

Just like your high IQ cousin and or brother and or the same person who thinks that they're the queen or King of the Kentucky trailer park he's never really refuted anything I've ever said. Not on any basis of real facts other than blathering about things about this poster that you absolutely would know nothing about.

However I can easily realize that you and your schizophrenic friend and whichever one of you is so pathetically incompetent that every time you open your mouth you insulted.

Knowing this and knowing that you should be committed to the nut farm in Louisville, Kentucky I proceeded to give you the address which can be found on any internet linked device. You do realize Jethro from Kentucky or formerly from Kentucky that there is this thing called the internet that's been in existence since 1969 as DARPA Net and commercially available since the mid-90s. You do realize how easy it is to look for information don't you?

The truth is the either you're too stupid or too lazy to actually have the mental acuity and intelligence to refute what I've said and in true Kentucky trailer trash mentality you know that you're too stupid to do so. Again proving my point that you and your so-called husband neither of whom are qualified at much of anything other than you cleaning toilets at the mall had to whine about my postings.

So you've been running your flagging campaign behind the scenes for the past several weeks none to avail and the fact is that you won't be stopping me at much of anything that I choose to do. There are plenty of platforms outside of even Craigslist to continue my statements in regard to your state and the fact that it is if not the worst state in the Union and one of the worst 5 in just about everything.

The truth is that you cannot refute that because you're pathetic position is totally indefensible. The fact that you're staying consistently ranks in the bottom 5 states in the United States and has been that way since 1939 if not much earlier speaks volumes.

Other books and periodicals then have shown this disparity between Kentucky and the rest of the United States are readily available out there either on the Internet or at various retailers. When these citizens of other states actually have to deal with Kentucky residents on a large-scale basis not the one or two that come by here and there but when they have to deal with hundreds of them or thousands of them moving elsewhere in causing problems with their low IQ levels they generally tend to dislike Kentuckians.

At one time or another I've been pretty much all over the Midwest and the northern states and I've heard and seen such complaints for decades. Especially when I've seen the blatant amount of stupidity with my own eyes that same other people have seen with their own eyes. 

Meanwhile you can continue all of your attacking and lies and propaganda because I'm going to continue to critique your state every possible chance that I can get. My point? To continue to make your state look as bad as it really is and to continue to shine the light of Truth on the socio-economic aspects that make Kentucky such a generally horrid place. No matter any of your name calling or attempts at dealing with my psychological profile that you know absolutely nothing about from my posts.

It's just that I'm more dedicated to making you backwoods yokels look more and more out of touch with the rest of the United States and its society. You're the type of loco weed
mentality individuals that are way too common in Kentucky of which a high percentage of the native population is nothing more than white trash of the worst kind.

I'm going to continue to shine the facts and figures that I have presented here elsewhere as well. So you're going to see my posts soon on Blogger and on YouTube and various other mediums that actually discuss the kind of mental problems and delusional beliefs that exists in the Outhouse on the Ohio.

You might be able to flag and whine regarding my Craigslist postings but in America we have this little thing called freedom of speech and your power to limit my speech by thinking you're going to pool some sort of attempt to do so is laughable at best.

I'm honestly glad that you're offended when I say the things that I do and that your inbred and uneducated population in Kentucky can't deal with the facts as they are. While the boobs and imbeciles of Kentucky spent Friday blathering about basketball and either bragging or crying in their collective trailer parks regarding what their team did respectively.

The laughable thing is that the morons of Kentucky will continue to be talking about their basketball successes for the next 6 months at least no matter if they win or lose just because Kentucky doesn't have anything else really worthy of bragging about. Even your own Governor had to beg people to stay in the state to travel within the state and keep money in the state approximately a year-and-a-half ago just after he took office. Because people from Kentucky decided to start trying to venture out from the little shell they live under and actually gas up the clunker and leave the state.

I'm not real worried that I'm at target for you or any of your fellow sycophants. The truth is that I could really give a care less what you think you can do against me. The facts are that you're not going to stop me from posting either here or elsewhere and that infuriates you to the nth degree. 

Knowing that you've been unable to shut me down due to your supposedly superior psychological profiling has to down deep burn you up to no end. One can see it in your impassioned attempts and those of your sycophants. You want to see me as a big target you can shut down but the truth is that I don't give up easily in fact I don't give up at all and that in essence bothers you deeply. Because all the while I can compose my thoughts through easily dictating them via voice typing and voice command you are sitting there pounding on your little keyboard furiously attempting whatever it is you think you're trying to do.

The truth of the matter is that you know down deep that you are totally incapable of defeating me in any logically constructed argument. Much less being able to dig up the facts and figures as they are and interpreting them. The fact that you and my other little sockpuppets and marionettes are on a string and the rest of the world sees what kind of inbred morons that you are and you hate that passionately.

It's quite okay though that you consider me a target because it gives you something to do all day instead of your pathetic whining about not being able to prove or disprove anything I've really said.

I can get that simply quite easily while noticing that in general Kentuckians are thin skinned when anyone dares to criticize their decrepit state and society as either an insider or outsider with valid viewpoints and observations. Kentuckians down deep know in their inbred psychology but they are not normal by any stretch of the imagination at large. Which is why they lash out and repeatedly get in a rage over anyone lambasting their state over the coals. All because they know but they live in one of the worst states in the United States. So if anyone says anything about it that makes them automatically wrong in the eyes of the delusional Kentuckians.

It's obvious that you would know all about mental disorders yourself being that more than likely you've been on some sort of antidepressants or having long fits of self-pity or low self-esteem and self-worth.

I thoroughly enjoy smacking around people from Kentucky to destroy their illusions about what a great place they live in and they like to brag about. I've heard these sorts of propaganda statements for decades going back to probably when I was a kid in the 70s. The reality is much different though and reality is what ultimately counts. 

It's almost comical for you to consider that my life is in some downward spiral because it's not. In fact I don't even drink to excess and never have; nor have I ever experienced or experimented with mind-altering drugs. Obviously you don't know what you're talking about again which is common when people from Kentucky open their mouth about the things they simply can't know anything about. Instead of being intelligent and educated about a subject they boast and bullshit how much they know all the while knowing nothing.

I've seen it countless times in the workplace and in various workplaces that I've been where Kentucky residents are present. Instead of shutting their mouth when they don't know something or doing further research they will start to blabber incessantly and make little sense.

It reminds me of the mentally ill people which I dealt with in Louisville who had no knowledge of other places but started in making comments and ill-informed nonsense about said places. Meanwhile they have never really been there and couldn't even have the money to put $100 in their piece of s*** vehicle in order to get out of the state and actually experience something other than their limited worldview.

Even amongst some quite successful well off Kentuckians I've seen the same thing. They wonder why their state is constantly criticized either by other states around them or in the national media as being a bunch of backwards idiots. I've spoken to one of the Super Lawyers in Louisville who is a financially successful individual yet who cannot grasp why outsiders to Kentucky have a disdain for Kentucky.

This man who is a graduate of the University of Louisville and started with basically nothing was complaining incessantly that people from northern states think that Kentuckians are idiots. I do not find this man to be an idiot as much as he doesn't understand the cultural ramifications of having a population of people who are poorly educated in any sense of the term.

I've seen this sort of backwards reasoning countless times in interactions with various successful people in Kentucky who take it personally that anyone outside of their state wouldn't find it to be very appealing in most cases. These people are not the everyday average Kentucky yokel but generally reasonably well read individuals. So obviously in an economic sense they are not ignoramuses like some of the posters that I've encountered that I succinctly described in my previous writings.

Laughably Kentuckians often and rightfully remind me of fundamentalist religious believers who have a circle the wagons mentality when anything that conflicts with their worldview. Instead of examining their own beliefs, thoughts and experiences they choose to attack anything that conflicts with their limited educational experiences. Especially when those educational experiences conflict with the close-mindedness that they have been brainwashed into thinking by their religious authorities and those who wish to control them. So instead of actually opening their mind and seeing things in a different light they've chosen to have a closed mind vehemently attack that which is true because it conflicts with what they've been taught their entire life.

Laughable that I would even care that you think I'm supposedly a lost cause. In your own inbred logic you would try to think such stupidities even though it's easy for me to form lasting relationships with people that I really want to spend time with.

It's just that I have a very dim view of morons like yourself and people who go out of their way to prove daily if they aren't the sharpest tools in the box. In that sense I thoroughly enjoy confronting the dregs of society such as yourself that passionately hate the facts that your limited mindset cannot deal with.

I'm totally enjoying your feeble attempts and knowing anything about my friends and family life. It's probably the funniest thing around that you've attempted to do such. The funny part is that 30 minutes ago I was actually having a conversation with two of my direct family members that live in the same house with me.

Prior to that earlier in the day I talked on the phone for two to three hours catching up with various family. The truth of the matter is that if my family left me I would be disappointed but I would move on regardless. The problem is that they know in essence that I've been a fun person to be around and we enjoy each other's time and company. Seeing that my wife and I have been in the same house for the last week with our son almost daily other than small trips to the store has been personally gratifying we can spend actual family time together in between our busy schedules of school, work, and other obligations. It's been real nice for us to use that family time constructively and to have fun while watching movies listening to music and having people over for dinner.

Laughable that you're pathetic little husband and yourself have spent the entire week trying to think up ways to double-team me and give me shit. You need to work on that a bit harder but maybe someday after 20 or 30 years of hard core education and life experience that you might be able to actually accomplish anything other than showing yourselves as being whiners and sniveling little twats.

Even more funny is your assertion that I was on this site 24/7 this week. Usually using voice command it takes me 30 minutes at the most to piece together such a response to you and that's at the most liberal estimate of time. Many times it's much less time to slap you fools around and either repost what you hate that I post or produce some new material. In fact it's very easy with the technology that exists today versus typing on a keyboard.

One of your best antidotes is telling me all about your so-called husband and his constant worrying about what I've been posting here. To the point that he's all wound up and infuriated about what I've posted and he's made it a personal crusade to think that he's going to stop me. More than likely your husband is a little effete, effeminate and sissified sort of guy that has to bring his spouse into his own personal battles because he doesn't have the wits for the testicular fortitude that would be required to be successful in any endeavor or he would actually have to do something worthwhile.

I can tell that my posts are above the pay grade and pay level of your husband and yourself which is why it seems like crazy talk to you. Then again it is Kentucky where psychobabble, delusions, schizophrenia, blatant stupidity and so many other negative traits is quite common

You failed again in trying to believe that I've been in any sort of mental institution nor have ever been considered or counseled by a registered psychologist or other licensed professional to do so. What I am is self-reliant, intelligent, and a self-starter who won't back down from a fight and thoroughly enjoys hitting you right square in the mouth verbally every time you poke your head up out of the little mole hole that you live in Kentucky. It's like sitting in the front yard and playing whack-a-mole with a sledgehammer because every time you pop your head up with your beady little eyes you're going to get hit on the head.

I know it's above your paygrade and his pay grade to be able to read my responses. Considering that you probably have to find a dictionary to even understand some of the words I've used is why it sounds like crazy talk to you all because in your crappy Kentucky education which another poster mentioned to me recently anyone that talks above your level of rudimentary understanding would be considered crazy. All because you're incapable of stepping up your A game being able to read something more then befitting your eighth grade equivalent education at best.

Frankly your attempts at trying to expound about my mental state are getting boring at best because it's obvious that you don't have the breadth and depth of knowledge required to know anything of what you're actually talking about.

Oh and I'm not your friend and wouldn't even bother to shake your hand in person. Like I've said for I'll take my IQ and my well-paying career and laugh at people like you that you are so chronically stupid. That's what I enjoy about putting out the facts on Kentucky is that I know on a daily basis if not hourly I'll get some sort of a inane comment that reminds me of something that would come out of the mouth of a gutter slut in a cheap, cheesy run down bar where if you averaged out the collective IQ of the patrons of the establishment it would be about room temperature.

I've learned plenty of research on people with high IQs and the facts are that most of the mental disorders that you want to call a mental disorder is nothing more than balderdash. The fact that they've achieve great things using the talents that they have rather than being mediocre sloppy individuals who can barely brush their teeth and dress themselves says quite the opposite

The fact that the modern world would be nothing more than caveman material without the efforts of such individuals is more the truth than the exception. If you think that your automobile, computer, smartphone, tablet, medical equipment can be replicated by low IQ individuals you're even more stupid than I thought.

The fact is that these above average IQ individuals of various cultures around the world are responsible for the progress and technological advancement of society over the past 200 years. It was through their efforts and educating themselves why you're driving a car now or tapping away on your  keyboard and not walking down the street in 10 degree weather or still writing on stone tablets as they did thousands of years ago.

That collective base of knowledge that has been learned and passed down through humanity since the ancient times is why idiots like you are still here. Otherwise you would be living in some fungus infested and bung smelling place like Chad or Ethiopia where after thousands of years they still live like the villagers have lived for generations.

Oh and more than likely just in case you're employed either via your own efforts at running a business or happened to be employed at a regular job, it's probably those high IQ people that started the company that you work for. The fact that you yourself were more than likely and incapable of running much more than a lemonade stand speaks volumes.

So in essence I'll take my education, common sense, IQ and upper-middle-class lifestyle and mentality and keep it. Meanwhile you can keep your Kentucky generational poverty and stupidity and you can keep the change. ToucheWhite Trash Kentucky

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