Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Incompetent Nature of the Kentucky Judicial System

White Trash Kentucky White Trash Kentucky It must be hard being a native Kentuckian and having that sort of lifestyle as being common in Eastern Kentucky.

Considering that I never lived in Eastern Kentucky and never even considered living in Eastern Kentucky. Nor have I ever been convicted of a drug crime but we all know that Eastern Kentucky is a cesspool of drug use and abuse as well as being the prescription drug capital of the entire region.

Too bad our white trash Kentucky poster who like many inbreeds in the white trash state of Kentucky was too stupid to stay out of trouble. 

Then again it's not uncommon for Kentucky residents to have a criminal record 25 pages long and to have served very little time doing so because of the lack of judicial enforcement of the law. Which is why to this day Kentucky remains a extremely lawless place with even the scummiest of its citizens that commit murder getting 10 or 15 years for a similar crime that would net them four times as many years in other states

Which is another aspect of Kentucky that makes it a total joke of a state. One family that I do know from Louisville and knew many years ago had a son that was murdered by a thug. All the while he had a wife and a child at the time and the piece of trash received a grand total of 10 years. That is a world-class disgrace and it shows how mind-blowing stupid even individuals in the judicial system in Kentucky truly are.

That's just one of many episodes that I have seen over the years or Kentucky judicial officials totally dropped the ball in sentencing hardcore criminal activity. It's rare in states with more stringent judicial guidelines but in Kentucky it's commonplace for judges not to drop the hammer on these pieces of dirt.

It's like a distant relative of my wife's from Kentucky and how her husband has spent in the better part of the last 2 years getting arrested. All the while this piece of dirt has been arrested for non-support issues, theft, burglary, resisting arrest and a couple of other charges who've been arrested 6 times in a year and a half.

What did the ass backwards Kentucky justice system do with this cretin? As an outside observer with no real interest other than seeing white trash ending up in jail Kentucky's justice system is a disgrace. The laughable part of the entire process was that after going through the process loser from Kentucky of course ended up with no more than 4 years of probation.

After which when people helped him he trashed their vehicle and then started threatening the people that very well was trying to help him and his wife.

I'm looking forward to when he finally screws up again and he will and maybe just maybe he'll end up in the big house. That's the type of backwards Kentucky justice system that exists when human scum such as that gets probation and then turns around in burns the very family members that tried to help him.

That's one of countless instances of seeing people victimized by the inbred injustice system that exists in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. A place where the criminals roam free without any real justice dispensed and then to be coddled by the judicial systemWhite Trash Kentucky

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