Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Kentuckians: Not The Sharpest Tools In The Shed

I've always suspected during my 5 years there in Kentucky and ever since that Kentuckians in general aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. More and more though they've did plenty, said plenty, and written plenty to prove that they are some of the dumbest people in America. So dumb that they can't even insult people properly without writing insults that call someone stupid all the while they can't spell to save their lives. Another thing that is comical is that the level of intelligence and logic in this morons is totally nonexistent in that they are impervious to common sense, logic, etc. Which is why their state and their society is comprised of so many chronic lifelong fuck-ups who are incapable of doing much of anything decent or useful.

Educationally, Kentuckians have to be some of the dumbest people I've seen in my life despite the fact that there are millions of people just like them across America. The difference is that the rest are spread out over a huge country of 320 million people and only 4.4. million Kentuckians exist in Kentucky of whom probably 10 to 15 percent of them are from other states and have relocated to Kentucky for work or job transfers. Of course, many of those emigrants from other states end up going back to their former states because they see how bad it really is in Kentucky. Just like how Kentucky ranked 8th in the country in the most people moving out of a state into another state. Which is why people are leaving Kentucky in massive numbers because they are starting to realize that Kentucky is a truly broken and dysfunctional society of people not smart enough to clean up its own mess after years of constant mistakes and stupidity. 

I went to bed last night in order to get up today and work on a few projects before watching the big game later. Of course, I suspected that after some of my posts that our resident Kentuckians wouldn't let me down and send me some sort of mind blowing stupid comments which they seem to be good at. Nevertheless, I went off to bed and woke up this morning and went off to work on a few electronic projects that needed to be done at the house. Meanwhile, the Kentucky based morons were blathering on and on like a bunch of braying jackasses or sounding like their state horse Mister Ed. As usual they don't make a bit of sense or show anything other than being the lowest common denominator or the weakest link. 

Outside of a couple recent comments lately most of these morons confirm what I've been saying for the better part of ten years that most Kentuckians truly are mouth breathing morons. One has to wonder how these people hold a job or some sort of employment much less anything else. Then again, maybe that's why Kentucky is such a third world shithole in the United States because most of these people couldn't cut elsewhere much less be able act intelligently.

Kentuckians live in this little bubble where somehow they live in the best place in the world. Despite that fact that most of them haven't ever lived anywhere else much less spent more than a week anywhere else to at least do a comparison of the places they visited. I would venture to say that most Kentuckians probably 95 percent haven't spent more than a week or two outside of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at any one time nor have lived elsewhere. So they are in belief that their state/commonwealth is the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

The laughable thing is that their state is a joke when it comes to education, income, socioeconomic factors, cancer deaths, animal abuse, elderly abuse, child abuse stats, state rankings of various aspects, etc. Almost in every category, Kentucky ranks in the 40s out of the 50 states and in most categories they are a bottom 5 state and have been for decades. However, in their limited often trailer park mentality and little bubble they really do believe that they live in the greatest state despite all of the statistics to the contrary.White Trash Kentucky

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