Saturday, February 24, 2018

Kentucky: A Society Of Dunces Socially, Economically and Educationally

White Trash Kentucky
Kentuckians have long been known as less than bright people and a society of dunces. This is well known in other states and to the point that Kentucky remains a national laughingstock and an embarrassment of a state to people that actually have lived elsewhere and often know better. Kentuckians in general have in many cases limited experience elsewhere and those who do have that experience often do not return to Kentucky unless they have been an economic or social failure in their new place of residence. It reminds me of the fact that former Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson was spending time about 10 years ago going to other US cities trying to get people from vast numbers of other states to move back to Louisville to help jump start the local economy in Louisville.

Despite all of his rhetoric and Possibility City mantra, those whining appeals fell on deaf ears because those in the know with good careers, jobs, education and social skills told Abramson that they would not move back to Louisville and environs because of the lack of local education to do its job as well as the lousy economy in the Louisville metro region. So in essence those native Kentuckians thumbed their nose at their home state even though the mayor of their state's largest city begged for people to come back to Louisville to invest in that fetid city. A true bizarro world where everything is done backwards and without common sense or intelligence.

That is in essence what Kentucky truly is. A world of the bizarre where common sense isn't common and people generally lack basic intelligence or ways of doing things. In Kentucky, that sort of stupidity is seen all across Kentucky society no matter which part of the state that people live in. That is why Kentucky is chronically economically, educationally and socially backwards.

Logic is something in Kentucky that is truly missing with a good percentage of the population.

While this is something totally different than dealing with everyday Kentuckians, it reminds me a of UK football game from last season where the wide receiver from the opposing team was not even covered by the defensive back despite the player from the other team being totally open on one side of the field. So then Kentucky loses the game to my obvious delight because of a stupid total meltdown by the Kentucky player that left the opposing receiver open for a game winning touchdown.

I had to laugh for about 10 minutes straight watching the replay on SEC Television of the Kentucky player and coaching staff having their head so far up their ass that they totally blew a winnable game. That's the type of bizzaro world mentality that exists in Kentucky.

Even more funny is watching the everyday actions on the roads of places like Louisville and other cities in Kentucky where I lived for five years. If it wasn't so dangerous and with insurance rates higher than my current location, it would have been must see TV to record all of the dumbasses on the roads in Louisville that are incapable of driving much less on dry pavement and then having chronic problems when it rains or God forbid snows at all. Its quite funny watching Kentuckians try to drive in snow even though Kentucky does in many cases get 10 or 15 inches of snow in many parts of the state every year. I can only imagine watching the backwoods idiots drive in a Northern state where they have to pay attention at all times during inclement weather. This has to do with Kentuckians more than likely having very short attention spans which seems to be another problem in Louisville.

The best part of Louisville is watching all of the morons who can't understand basic concepts and rules of the road that don't require a college education much less any sort of formal education. However, Kentuckians can't seem to understand basic rules of the road. Things that should have been taught early in drivers ed or riding with a family member. Such as how a four way stop works, merging on interstates, caution lights and driving through them, tailgating and proper lane changing.

Kentuckians just don't act all that smart on the roads either which is why our insurance premiums dropped by several hundred dollars per year just when we moved out of Kentucky. Even better is the fact that Kentucky hasn't reformed its insurance laws since the 1970s and most other states have made common sense reforms just in the past couple of decades. Kentucky is a great place if you want to live 20 or 30 years behind everywhere else in mentality, culture and society. Not so great if you have first world standards and want to live like the average American.

One Kentucky issue is that Kentucky doesn't know how to properly maintain and construct interstate on ramps and then cousin Cletus from Bugtussle, Kentucky isn't sophisticated enough to understand that if he is going to merge into 60 and 70 mph traffic that he is going to have to get up to speed. The same type of stupidity though isn't limited to rural Kentucky but even in the so called progressive city of Louisville which might as well be a collection of trailers although it is dressed up nicely with some nice houses. The mentality though remains in Louisville because you can take the Kentuckian out of Appalachia but you can't take the Appalachian mentality out of Kentuckians. No matter what fine clothing and fine apparel you put a Kentuckian in eventually they will open their mouth and some sort of arcane version of Kentucky bubba or redneck speech will become evident as soon as the participant opens his or her mouth.

So here's that for you Kentuckians and I'm going to be here kicking you in the ass every day and in every way. Eat up because it probably doesn't taste too good does it? That's ok though because I keep hearing about my coming meltdown mentally and the laughable thing is that I'm busting a gut laughing at the stupidity of the people from what is right down with the dumbest societies of people in the United States. Hell, your state shouldn't be even considered part of the United States and should be expelled because that would make the national IQ skyrocket if Kentucky and a few other Southern states left the Union. Too bad Lincoln didn't let you clowns go in 1861 to 1865 because in hindsight it wouldn't have been much of a loss considering that the South is largely the portion of the country that holds the rest of the United States back.

White Trash Kentucky

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