Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Kentucky Government: Incompetent and Corrupt (A Reflection of Kentucky Society)

You would think that Kentucky would get its financial act together but even after decades of being incompetent and stupid, they still haven't learned their lessons. Considering that Kentucky has been one of the worst ran states for decades going back to at least the 1920 and 1930s, they still haven't learned their lessons that they can no longer kick the can down the road and refuse to take responsibility for their state being an educational, economic, fiscal and social cesspool. 

Which is why smart people are fleeing Kentucky like the Indians did on the Trail of Tears. I see it in other regions across the country the number of people original from Kentucky that have settled elsewhere because their state government, education system, and general society is largely incompetent. Even more interesting is the number of these people who say they are ashamed to be from Kentucky which shouldn't be a point of shame when they've been successful and intelligent people. Its just the fact that Kentucky is a screwed up and broken state and the people are too beaten down or too dumb to do anything about it. Its like a self fulfilling prophecy that Kentucky will continue to be an economic and political failure. 

Shamefully most Kentuckians could really care less about the future of their family and state. Just keep the basketball on and the alcohol flowing to the decrepit Kentucky towns and cities and of course they'll expect the federal government to continue to bail them out. Instead of getting jobs and creating a good economy, they are hell bent on achieving every negative former stereotype that they could possibly attain. 

Shameful that they can't see any better and have no real future. That's why the pension system is busted in the first place along with other financial aspects of life in Kentucky.White Trash Kentucky

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