Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Another Kentucky Commenter (His Blathering and Stupidity Posted at the End of My Commentary)

I love it when Kentuckians regularly prove my points about Kentuckians being largely uneducated morons. Every time one of these backwoods morons open their mouth they prove that their state is nothing more than a big cesspool of illiteracy, ignorance, cultural stupidity, poverty, obesity, and mentally deficient individuals. One thing that I can always tell about many Kentuckians is that they can't spell basic English language words or produce coherent intelligent sentences. Just in the post of the resident moron there are at least 10 spelling mistakes and omissions that could have been corrected if the guy wanted to sound intelligent.

Actually, I'm very well wired to make social observations and emotional observations. One is that instead of trying to think you were making a point, you very well could have cleaned up your paragraph of illiteracy and stupidity before trying to make any relevant points. If you were worldly and educated then you would have been able to manufacture a coherent paragraph of some decent ideas and commentary. You do note that people in Kentucky are generally poorly educated but sorry these people are not in any way, shape or form like me. The only thing that we might have in common would be physical characteristics, appearances, white skins in most cases, etc. The funny thing is that you mention they were born and then something f###ed it up for them. No one is born totally aware but for generations of these people to be so mind blowing stupid isn't the fault of anyone else but themselves. No one messed their situation up other than the fact that they decided to be lazy and take the easy way out and refuse to bother with educating themselves over a wide variety of topics. Not my fault that they didn't receive instruction from their parental guardians until 18 years old and learn to develop themselves. Even more cute is the idea that adults like most of the morons are all victims of someone else despite the fact they've had years after the tender age of 18 to learn skills and develop as human beings. 

Rather than listen to you, oh uneducated on and oh worldly one who cannot spell the term, I will continue to point out the discrepancies, propaganda, lies, and untruths that are regularly brought out. Unlike you, I won't make excuses for their issues and will continue to point out what I feel like pointing out. 

Actually, I'm not disappointed in my time in the Ville outside of it being a learning experience in how not to run a metro area or city. Louisville leaves plenty to be desired even for a city of 780,000 people and its obvious that since I left, it hasn't improved any at all. In fact, it continues to swirl just above the water level of the toilet just before drowning. Especially with its stagnant economy, lousy schools, crime issues, budgetary issues, and the largely low quality and lazy population. 

It sounds though that you might be the one who is truly nuts which seems to be appropriate for the Kentucky culture in which you were born. Which would explain why so many people in Louisville are on psychotropic medications for their mental problems. Not to mention that Kentucky has long had a problem with abuse of prescription medications which is another reason its population is comprised of hundreds of thousands of illiterates, functional illiterates, and mentally deranged people. In that case, you're just another block in the wall. 


My observations of the Ky hater are as such;an elevated Intelligence Quotient has never ment you are socially capable of emotional observations.I am Worldy,educated,and born in Louisville.Yes ppl here are undereducated but They are people just like you.they were born and we're lil babies before someone ore something fucked it up for them.Stop trying to beat a dead horse and be grateful or sad u are not oblivious to the fact of the world.You seem nuts or very disappointed in ur time in the Ville just breath and move on....why do u expect ppl to know how to behave,even though they were never shown how...that's nuthin guy are you not nuts?White Trash Kentucky

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