Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Some Kentuckians Have Meltdowns Over My Posts (My Response to One of the Uneducated Idiots of Kentucky)

White Trash Kentucky This was a response to a recent comment from another Kentucky based moron that has no real clue of how bad the educational and political system in Kentucky truly is. Which is why their state is economically and fiscally busted to the point they can't even fund schools properly much less the state police in Kentucky. This response was for a special poster who gets a special type of upset over my posts and thinks that bashing my mental state is going to get him very far. Sorry, but you've lost the argument Kentuckian just in case you've meandered to this page. So here it goes after the break


Too bad there girly boy but I don't need to flag people to get my point across unlike weasels in Louisville and the rest of Kentucky that flag everything because they don't like what people are saying. Kentuckians get butthurt and offended about their state so much and so easily that its actually funny to someone that is an outsider to the state and was treated like an outsider during my time there. In fact, I find it totally hilarious that you mental midgets are so easily pissed off about your standing in life and your state because it doesn't measure up to the rest of the country. Its too bad that generations of morons have been bred in Kentucky that have made it such a piss poor example of state government and humanity. 

Every state has its idiots but Kentucky takes the cake for having generations of these morons that are incapable of intelligent though to the extent that half the population of the Commonwealth of Kentucky can't even use basic English nor can they function in the modern world without proving they are 80 IQ morons that can barely wipe their own ass much less have a pot to piss in or a toilet to flush it down with. 

At least one thing is that piss poor states like Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas don't have to feel too bad about their own illiteracy problems, poverty, and general stupidity in their states respectively because they'll always have Kentucky to look at and realize that they are not alone. 

Oh and you don't like my posts, well too bad because they will be continuing just because I know how much it chaps the asses of you inbred rednecks and to know that I'm making you lose sleep at night and pounding your little keyboards all day trying to flag everything like the losers that you truly are. 

For every person I've known from Kentucky and there have been a lot of them over the years, I can honestly say that I would venture to guess that maybe 4 or 5 out of every ten are actually intelligent human beings. The majority of the rest are vacuous boobs, morons, drunks, drug abusers, criminally minded, and in essence the lowest grade white trash morons. 

The funny thing is that Kentucky is a very racist oriented state probably one of the worst even in the South. Black folks even realize that so they don't live in many places outside of the urban areas of Kentucky. Its been well known for years about the racist mentality of Kentucky residents. They don't like being called out on it. 

The even more amazing thing is that while these Kentuckians bitch and moan and groan about blacks, the truth is that while the black community has its share of economic problems and crime problems, white Kentuckians don't have any real room to talk about anyone else. 

Oh and for the moron that posted this drivel below, you're still upset because I'm calling out your state just like your state governor and state legislature needs to be called into account for continuing to run a state that is by most standards an economic basketcase, financially a drain on the United States, and requires huge infusions of federal money to keep it afloat. Imagine if all your compatriots in Kentucky actually had to go out and earn a living or get off their fetid asses and actually do something productive. 

Even more funny is that most of these people are truly not physically disabled or mentally incapacitated to the point they couldn't at least be somewhat productive economically. Even working at a factory to get a start and some job skills or some other occupation. Yet Kentucky hands out crazy checks like its giving out candy to kids and its been doing it for years. Its about as laughable as the vocational rehab office my spouse attempted to find employment through in Louisville years ago. More people just reading goddamned newspapers and magazines than actually helping people that want to work find work. 

None of you morons have ever been able to refute anything that I've factually said in response to your state being a carbuncle on the asscheeks of America. If it wasn't for the upper middle class and such paying the taxes that keeps Kentucky afloat, you would be up shit creek without a paddle as a state. Even despite Kentucky having relatively high tax rates, you still can't manage your state budget and neither can you manage your state pensions. In that sense, you're almost as bad as Illinois which is 130 billion in pension debt having 12.8 million people. Kentucky has 39 billion in pension debt with a population of 4.4 million people. So in essence Kentucky is as just as screwed as the taxpayers are in Illinois when it comes to per person debt for the pension systems. 

Little boy, I don't need to flag unlike the Kentucky morons that like to regularly flag my posts even the ones that have nothing to do with Kentucky and I've pointed this out before. However, your thick little head and protruding skull can't seem to get that concept through your head. 

Oh and the funniest thing is that my son just walked into the home office to talk to me before running off to school. All the while you're sitting there in your piss and jizz stained underwear in your mom's house attempting to appear intelligent. 

Oh and since you're so interested in my mental state, I have to laugh because it took me a whole 30-45 minutes daily to point out to you clowns how ignorant and backwoods you really are. It really doesn't take much time out of my day especially with the fact that you morons make it so easy to smack you around. The laughable thing is that it takes so little time to watch you neanderthals twist, squirm, get all pissed off, and know that what I am saying is essentially correct. 

In fact, it bothers you so much that you're (you and the other sockpuppets) constantly write me with some sort of inane commentary that is befitting of the type of morons and degenerates that make up the Kentucky underclass. 

Actually, I've never been arrested or even accused of a crime so there goes your theory of potential risk to the community. Maybe you can take another hit off that crack pipe because you've been obviously proving what a total waste of smegma that you truly are. 

By the way, since you're supposing that I need professional help, I think you should get Hooked on Phonics so you can supplement your shitty Kentucky education or from whatever crappy school system that you were educated in. Your are becoming boring isn't correct in any sense maybe you can try next time "You are" or the contraction "you're" just in case you didn't receive that in your Kentucky education. You have heard of the terms "you're" and "your" and the proper usage of those terms. 

Time to keep on pointing out that your state is truly in most places a world class cesspool. It terribly must upset you to know that the truth is that your state is a third world place in so many areas.White Trash Kentucky

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