Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Watching Upset Kentuckians Lose Their Minds Over Criticism of Their Commonwealth

White Trash Kentucky Just have to laugh at the upset Kentuckians that hate when I have my say and will say what is on my mind, they end up losing their minds and start making their ignorant statements about things they have no clue about. Which is why their state is in the dire fiscal and economic straits that it is in despite having relatively high taxes especially on personal income. To the point that Louisville, Kentucky is the 4th highest taxed city in the entire United States. You can probably guess the other three cities higher with some level of accuracy if you can read a map and know some place names. 

The best part is watching the increasingly insane Kentuckians come totally unglued at what I have said and succinctly stated about Kentucky and how they assume they know something about me or my background. What a laughable proposition that these imbeciles think they know anything about me other than what I've readily stated. Obviously, they're not very smart to be incapable of coming up with facts and figures that refute the things I've readily posted over the past few years here. 

Instead of facts, figures, and logic they often try to paint the messenger as being some sort of crazy or insane despite the fact that they are the ones who are increasingly incapable of dealing with reality. Even more screwy is their attempts to think I am going to melt down because some little piss ant from some third rate place in Kentucky thinks he's going to change my mind. Especially considering that it took me a few years to try to piece together what is truly wrong in Kentucky that keeps it being one of the worst states in the United States not only to make a good living but also taxes, fiscal insolvency, crappy educational systems, poverty, etc. 

Kentuckians live in a little bubble in many cases because they haven't been outside the state enough to know better about the filth and human shit that they live in on a daily basis. Not all Kentucky locales are total steaming shitholes but a good percentage of them are and enough of them are is to make Kentucky a less than desirable place to live especially with the steaming pile of imbeciles and feckless morons that exist in that state. Even I must admit that there are a few zip codes in Kentucky which are worthy of someone wanting to live in but they are few and far between. Even in other states, the bad towns and cities and rural areas are usually few and far between or at least confined to major urban areas or a certain neighborhood. In Kentucky, that can be pretty much every other zip code to be populated by ignoramuses and people with low intellect and criminal intentions. 

Kentuckians by and large are also thin skinned and small minded to the point that they cannot fathom with reasonably accuracy why someone wouldn't like their cesspool in the Ohio Valley. Imagine a state where a huge percentage of the population is economically incompetent and functionally illiterate and you've got Kentucky. Where the education system has been so bad for so long that even a decade ago or so, they still had hundreds of thousands of Kentucky residents that could not read. Despite being in school in most cases to the age of 16 or even 18 and they couldn't read. What was the school administrators thinking all these years to let countless generations of Kentuckians not be able to read and educate themselves?

That's the type of time warp and mentality that exists in Kentucky so if you're reading this from another state, do yourself a favor and don't move to Kentucky and don't let your family move to Kentucky because you are doing them a disservice. There are countless other states and locations in the fine country that the USA mostly still is that would offer a much better quality of life and better educational and economic experience than what Kentucky has to offer. Even retired people should heed warning about Kentucky and its increasingly poor quality of life. Including the fact, that Kentucky despite having Louisville and Lexington has a very poor quality of life outside those areas. Same with getting quality healthcare which is a concern for elderly patients and those in retirement status. 

Many of the resident Kentuckians will not like this posting but that is just too bad. I'm not going anywhere and I don't even live in Kentucky but I'm going to tell you the truth about Kentucky from someone of upper middle class stature that knows plenty about what a horrible place that Kentucky truly is. You can do so much better than Kentucky both economically, socially, and income wise. Even the fact that land is relatively cheap there should definitely scare you away because anywhere that land is cheap is often lacking in various amenities or people that really want to live there. However, if you like dysfunctional state government, fiscally irresponsible government, poor schools, third rate education for your kids and grandkids, lower incomes, criminal problems from low intellect people and government corruption then Kentucky would be for you. 

Kentuckians are largely oblivious to the problems that afflict their state because they've been dumbed down for generations to the point that they have no reference point to deal with when it comes to comparing other places that they have lived or visited. All because outside of short vacation times to Florida or Texas or elsewhere most Kentuckians have no clue about other places nor are they often smart enough to consult Wikipedia, Google, or their encyclopedias and other governmental resources to do research about other states. They are often intellectually and emotionally lazy when it comes to learning about other cultures, societies, and how life works in the other 49 states along with the 190 plus countries of the world. So instead, they'll focus on their personal opinions that Kentucky is the best state in the country based on something meaningless like basketball records or they make bourbon whiskey or produce Corvettes in Bowling Green. 

Even more laughable is the inability of the Kentucky populace at large to see common sense signs and warnings about their state including their increasing fiscal problems due to people taking so many pensions at young ages and not contributing to their pension system. Not to mention the fiscal problems of a state that so disdains education which keeps it in the Stone Ages as states go for their educational systems even in comparison especially with its Northern neighbors. Even more laughable is that Kentucky wonders why its so chronically poor and impoverished in so many areas yet continues to do the same things that it has been doing for decades and not investing in education and job training to get its citizens out of the financial and educational disadvantages that it has long endured. 

Kentuckians live in a time warp as it goes for the United States in that they are probably as a society 20 years behind most anywhere else economically or socially. Instead of playing catch-up and working towards a brighter future economically and educationally, they are still behind the times in trying to better the mass majority of their citizens. All the while spending not much less than their northern neighbors of Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana regarding school spending. Yet they don't even come close to the economic and educational successes of the Northern states much less the educational outputs and educational results of the states of the Northern plains or the Northeastern states such as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and so forth. All of those states mentioned overall have better public education systems than do Kentucky even though they also have large numbers of citizens in urban areas where educational outcomes are often lacking. 

However, Kentucky takes it to the max when it comes to not producing educational outcomes being 47th in the country in educational achievement only ahead of the most impoverished states of Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, etc. Not only is Kentucky 47th in educational achievement, its university system despite adequate funding is behind the times and of low quality and low results. Most young Kentuckians who desire and can do so flee to other states where the economic realities better fit their educational level and jobs are more readily available in their degree fields or at least a comparable degree field that would fit their skill level. Even the state institutions of Kentucky such as the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky both rank in the mid 130s as public universities in regular rankings of U.S. News and World Report. U of L as in the University of Louisville ranks 165th and has ranked between 160th and 175th in most of the last decade. The state flagship school UK also known as the University of Kentucky ranks 133rd out of the school in the latest U.S. News and World Report and has been in the 130s to 140s range for most of the last decade. This despite U of L being one of the best funded and financially endowed schools in the country that U of L doesn't even rank as a major university when it comes to programs in the sciences, law, business, etc. U of L doesn't even sniff the top 100 universities in any of those fields which speaks volumes about the commuter college at the Belknap campus. 

Furthermore, Kentucky regularly continues to cut the budget for education systems including university and K-12 education despite the fact that it is regularly listed as one of the dumbest states by performance metrics. Kentucky regularly ranks in the 40s of the 50 states when it comes to public instruction and education despite spending over $10,000 dollars per student in Kentucky which is a state of 4.4 million with 159 different school systems. 

Even more alarming is the fact that in Kentucky, the kids are being socially promoted because of the poor education system that way the graduation rates and drop out rates wouldn't be so pronounced. Same with the fact that 12th grade level proficiency, only 38 percent of Kentucky students can pass science and technology exams with proficiency for their grade level. Even in reading, the average Kentucky student only grades approximately 55 percent of them being able to read and write at grade level proficiency for a high school senior. Mathematics is no better in Kentucky as well under 50 percent are proficient at 12th grade level mathematics. 

Which is why countless Kentucky seniors who go into college have to take remedial classes before they can progress to other fields and disciplines because their base level education is so low that they have to take remedial classes. 

Here is a news story about the sad state of Kentucky education from a Paducah, KY TV Station

Here are others as well.

The laughable thing is that Kentuckians are largely clueless about how bad their state really scores on education. Much less their economic poverty issues, low wages, lack of job creation, etc. More to come soon. 

Oh and for the Kentuckians that hate my posts, there are plenty more to come so you can really get mad and blow your top and insult me via your email because I have to just laugh at your stupidity. Someday you'll get it and learn to be a bit smarter but it might take a lot of pain and a couple of generations to get the idiots weeded out of the system.White Trash Kentucky

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