Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Louisville, Kentucky: Impossibility City Part Four

White Trash Kentucky With all of the national angst about the issues that police are having in policing their communities one would think that all officers would heed such issues very carefully and show discretion towards law enforcement issues and not participate in scandalous behavior.

However, in Louisville, Kentucky the police of the Louisville Metro Police Department have a program called the Explorers where local youth explore a career in police work including the various jobs and tasks that a law enforcement officer must do in his daily duties.

Which all seems fine and good and should be encouraged but with one major problem.

Some of the officers in Louisville have been involved in a sexual abuse scandal and cover up with the Louisville Metro Police Department Explorer program. Not only the criminal activity of said officers who were involved in sexual abuse of minors aged 14 to 19 including a young woman who was coerced and forced into having sexual activity with an officer.

Meanwhile the vile scum and villainy that occurs in the Louisville Metro Police Department is not a new occurred as there have been many officers over the years who have been been terminated, fired, disciplined, and even prosecuted for such criminal behavior.

This all goes back to the corruption and dishonesty of the last two or three mayors of Louisville, Kentucky reaching back to the 1980s and 1990s when this type of criminal corrupt behavior has been tolerated by the local officials. Maybe not to the extent of such blatant violation of minors but a system of corrupt local officials who cover up said abuses and political favors.

Or as one local writer in Louisville, Kentucky called it and correctly so, a pay for play system. In that sense where local businesses and local developers in the community ended up paying the local government with favors and other inducements to allow their businesses and companies to develop land and projects, etc. Just as long as those developers and businessmen paid the proper government officials and those in the political sphere their dues and made sure that it was done off the books and therefore outside of public scrutiny.

This sort of corrupt behavior is nothing new to Kentucky going back for generations even back in the late 1800s when corrupt business interests and Confederates ran the Kentucky State Government after the Civil War. It has continued in places like Louisville in the way of machine politics and corrupt government practices. All the while Louisville, KY is the 4th highest taxed city in the United States of America. Amazing isn't it that Louisville is the 4th highest taxed city in the whole country. Right up there with cities like Chicago, New York, Boston, San Francisco, and others. But near the top of the food chain in a state that is known for its extensive poverty and poor educational system.

Meanwhile the LMPD and its current and previous chiefs try to cover up their misdeeds, malfeasance, and known corruption and no one does anything about it. All the while Mayor Greg Fischer continues to cover up for the same bunch of crooks and trying to talk all the same time about Transparency.

Meanwhile, in Louisville, they could care less about transparent governmental behavior and actually representing the citizens and taxpayers instead continuing their notable governmental corruption. If its not the shenanigans that occur regularly at the University of Louisville in both the university and the athletic department, its in city and or state government in Kentucky.

These occurrences are not one time missteps but a pattern of systematic corruption and government malfeasance. All the while the Mayor of Louisville shouts about being a compassionate city and acting in governmental matters with transparency and uprightness.

Which is nothing more than a sordid joke to talk about such behavior but to have a police department, city works, and other governmental bodies such as city government offices proceed with corrupt practices and then act hypocritically by saying you are transparent. Laughable at best but criminal at the worst which is something that Kentucky should be number one in and that's government corruption on a scale that would rank right up there with Chicago, New York and other model big cities where public corruption scandals are daily news. In the case of Chicago with Rahm Emanuel and previously Richard Daley along with the convictions of several Illinois governors like Rod Blagojevich and George Ryan as well as the conviction of Dennis Hastert, former speaker of the US House of Representatives.

Wonder when the Louisville right to know media is going to actually start spilling the beans on the city of Louisville and its right to screw its citizens Kentucky style. All the while the Kentucky country boys and provincials don't even realize how much they are being screwed to death by the system. A system that has spent generations keeping Kentucky a backward cesspool of corruption and crime instead of capitalizing on the natural resources, scenic beauty, and possibilities.

All in a city such as Louisville which laughingly calls itself "Possibility City" despite being economically impoverished in many areas of the city and having a crime rate multiple times that of its state and being a problematic area considered a no-go area even for many locals in Indiana and Kentucky that won't go to Louisville unless they absolutely have to go do Louisville. A compassionate city as called by Mayor Greg Fischer all the while having a huge homeless population of thousands despite being the largest city in the commonwealth. Supposedly an economic beacon and engine yet having a collapsing and falling apart infrastructure that looks like it should be such as in a third world nation.

A city that is economically unsound and has to rely on government assistance and big programs to feed so many of its citizens and even to house a large percentage of these people. While the muckety mucks spend all kinds of time during March, April and early May cleaning up the city for its signature horse race. While the rest of the city by June and July looks like someone dumped the trash on the streets and emptied out their trash cans and left their garbage on city streets.

A city that has a budget nearly 1 billion dollars (903 million in 2016) and (849 billion for 2018) yet cannot properly fix its streets and infrastructure properly. Instead having to spend several million dollars from the city fund for the maintenance of the Yum Center (which was supposed be paid by tax increment financing by the local downtown tax district). Instead the city of Louisville is raiding the general fund that should be going to maintain the streets and infrastructure which is horrid despite being the 4th highest taxed city in the United States.

Something is wrong here when you have a city with the 4th highest taxes yet cannot fix your infrastructure, roadways, and byways. Instead paying out money to settle all of the lawsuits that have been incurred by the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department as well as the Louisville Metro Government over the years.

All the while talking about being a "Possibility City" and a "Compassionate City" while the local law enforcement violates young people and violates the law in so many ways its plain astounding.

But remember, its Kentucky and its very provincial and thinking small is why Kentucky still ranks in the bottom 5 states in just about every category and has for decades.
White Trash Kentucky

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