Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Kentucky Education: Flat Out Broke, Insolvent and Low Quality (A Mirror Image Of The State)

Kentucky again proves its incompetence in educating its citizens and being the educational and economic failure that it has been for decades. The only problem is that once it continues down this path, it will be next to near impossible to repair the economic and educational damage that is being done to young minds. Kentucky is an insolvent and broke state because of decades of bad government, bad policies, crooked and corrupt politicians with a pension plan that is economically busted due to lack of investment and too many people double dipping for years along with very early retirements. 

All the while, Kentucky continues to circle the toilet economically with their race to the bottom and more jobs with lower wages and requiring less training and education. Kentucky is rapidly becoming the Detroit of the South which I've stated before about Kentucky and especially cities such as Louisville. Louisville, KY is now the 11th poorest city in the United State of America and Kentucky is the 46th ranked state in personal income, family median income and other income measures. Meanwhile, it also ranks 47th in educational achievement, 41st in university quality as well as last place in elder abuse, child abuse and animal abuse. Add in the fact that Kentucky is economically bankrupt due to years of poorly directed state and local resources along with 450,000 functional illiterates out of a population of 4.4 million. 

All this despite the fact that Kentucky remains rich in agricultural commodities, coal with a temperate and decent climate for growing crops and producing economic activity. However, Kentucky remains so backward that it will probably never recover from the massive budget cuts to education which is the key to improving the quality of life for Kentuckians. Why these neanderthals are allowed to run a state into the ground is a lesson in stupidity but the pain will be felt in Kentucky and probably other states dealing with Kentuckians fleeing Kentucky. 

Even with some of the gains that have been made in Kentucky, it remains one of the five worst states in the United States along with Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia and Alabama. That's not saying much either as its country cousins in the Southern United States remain economic and social pariah states as well that require massive infusions of federal tax dollars. Especially to the point that nearly all Southern states receive more money from the federal government than what they pay in tax dollars. 

Kentucky continues to be an economic basketcase despite the fact that it is far enough north to take the best practices of its often more successful northern neighbors. States that are in so many ways economically and educationally superior to Kentucky and have been for generations. Why Kentucky doesn't embrace that is beyond the most stupid thing ever but that's government in Kentucky where the people are kept clueless and willfully ignorant of the type of retrograde environment that they dwell in. Its obvious to this writer that Kentuckians willfully love and enjoy the shit and filth that they deal with on a daily basis.
White Trash Kentucky

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